Half-frame FM2 listed on ebay


Senior Member
Mug shots could make sense, since half frame would be portrait orientation already, and would get twice as many shots on a roll.

But it seems like false economy compared to designing a special and very limited production camera just for that job. :)

35mm movie cameras were half frame too (very slightly smaller to have room for audio track), but they ran the film up and down anyway. :)

Bob Blaylock

Senior Member
I know that a common classroom medium form used back in the 1970s was a “filmstrip”, which usually consisted of a long strip of 35mm film bearing half-frame pictures, and an accompanying audio cassette tape containing a narration for the pictures, and a beep to tell you when to advance to the next picture. I don't think I've ever seen such a thing, but I would imagine that there was probably a specialized type of half-frame 35mm camera used to produce these filmstrips, wherein the film would run vertically. Sort of like a movie camera, but not quite.