d7000 long exposure with flash


Senior Member
I am new to flash photography and i want to try to take some cool artistic photos.
I am trying to do a long exposure shot and have my flash fire at the end of the exposure.
Is there anyway to do that?
I am using a nikon d7000 with a speedlite yn560-111 and also have a cheap sunpac flash.
Any suggestions would be great.




Senior Member
I am new to flash photography and i want to try to take some cool artistic photos.
I am trying to do a long exposure shot and have my flash fire at the end of the exposure.
Is there anyway to do that?
I am using a nikon d7000 with a speedlite yn560-111 and also have a cheap sunpac flash.
Any suggestions would be great.



Sure, that is exactly what Rear Curtain sync is... flash is triggered at the end of a long open shutter period.

D7000 manual, page 144 (and 145 for the text).
I think you will have to use camera modes, A, S, P, or M (not Auto or Scene modes).
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Senior Member
Rear curtain sync. Hold the flash button and turn the command wheel for the different flash modes. Check the manual for more details, but that's what you need to look for.