Image sensor cleaning option?


Senior Member
1. internal sensor cleaning function 2. rocket blower 3. dry swipe of the sensor followed by rocket blower 4. wet swipe of the sensor followed by dry wipe followed by rocket blower


Senior Member
Unless you're changing lenses at an unprecedented rate , it's really not necessary to worry about sensor cleaning that often.
Removing the lens from the camera body causes suction, drawing in air and, subsequently, dust and dirt. Remove the lens carefully and slowly...preferably in a dust free area. Point the body of the camera opening down.
So to answer your question....turn it OFF. Set your own schedule....say once every 3 months or so, depending, of course, on your shooting environment.

Tom Grove

Senior Member
I have had my camera just under 2 months, and I used the clean at shutdown option once just to see how it works, and another time recently because I was taking pictures at the beach (I was nervous about sand getting into it).


Senior Member
I set my camera to clean at startup & at shutdown. Has worked fine for me. Next, if I must, I will use the rocket blower. Rarely do I have to wet clean my sensor.


Senior Member
Have both of mine set for start up and shut down,remember though it doesn't clean your sensor it just stands a chance of vibrating lose stuff off