Hello from the Fraser Valley


New member
Good Afternoon, I have been away from photography since the 2/3 mark of the last century. I decided to return and jumped in with both feet. I picked up a couple of Go-Pros, Silver +3, and a Nikon D3200 kit. Two lenses, 28-55 and 55-300. I have the Vegas suite for the GPros and have downloaded the Capture NX2 for the Nikon. Judging from some of the threads I have quickly "lurked" today, perhaps some other package, than Nx2, would be a better choice? Anyway, learned much already, lots of info available here, looking forward to posting a few shots in the next little while. Gord


Senior Member
Welcome back to the great passion. aim sure your choice of software will evolve with your new found skill level. It is almost like voting. You have to shoot early and often.