Star photography on a whole other level


Senior Member
Hubble stuff just blows my mind. For me, give me 24 hours (that'll give me about 16 orbits) in that view room on the Int'l Space Station and a year to process, stare at and talk to others about the shots and I'd die a happy man.


Staff member
Super Mod
Is it just me, or does anyone else see 1/2 a face on the left hand side of this photo--one eye that is closed, part of a mustache, lips, and a beard?


Rick M

Senior Member
Amazing shots! Compelling to get into astro-photography, but I'd be disappointed with my results when you see stuff like this.


Senior Member
I would love to know the true coloring. So many are "artist rendered."

Spectacular images!
And I wonder how many thousands of snaps in each stack! Still, I aspire to this, but then I wonder, "What's the point of trying to achieve this as a domestic hobby?" and then I decide "I'm going to try and achieve this as a domestic hobby!"