Problem: Faint, dark circle on all photos, regardless of lens

Scott Gehman

New member
I just noticed a faint, blurry, dark circle on all of my recent photos. It's not related to the lenses or exposure. The circle is about the size of the sun or moon if you were to take a shot of it with a 70mm lens. Cleaning didn't do anything. The camera is a refurbished D7000 I bought from Adorama in April.

Any idea what's wrong with it before I send to be repaired?


Senior Member
Uploading a picture will help the folks give you a better answer....... Do a search for "dust" as it may be dust on the sensor..

Pat in NH


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Welcome to Nikonites Scott.

When you wrote "cleaning", what exactly did you clean? The lens, the mirror or the sensor? Spots like the one you mention are usually little dust particles that have been magnetically attracted to the camera's sensor. You have to read your camera's manual in order to follow the right procedure to clean the sensor. Sometimes just an air blower (bulb type) can dislodge them and other times you might have to either wet clean the sensor. Some people prefer to have this done at a local camera shop or by someone who has experience.

These spots usually appear when you use an aperture smaller than f11, but if it's a big piece of dust enough, it could appear from f8. Larger apertures usually won't show them that much.

​Best of luck.


Senior Member
Try this. Shoot a photo of a piece of white paper, first at minimum aperture and then at maximum. I suspect it will only show on one. As Marcel stated, it's likely dust on the sensor which can usually be remedied by a simple blowing off of the sensor with a bulb (not your mouth or compressed air). There are plenty of threads here about removing dust from the sensor, so poke around a little, particularly in the D600 forum. ;)
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Scott Gehman

New member
Mysterious dark spot.jpgThank you for so many replies! Here's a sample of the issue in question. The spot is circled.

Scott Gehman

New member
I meant the cleaning option in the camera's menu. The spot appears with all lenses. The shots are at wide open, maximum aperture (a small F number).

I've noticed now that the spot has been in most of my pictures since I bought the camera, but I only noticed it recently (I thought is was variations of sky or cloud contrast.)

Scott Gehman

New member
Above is a shot I took of a blank wall. The lens (50mm 1.8) is wide open. I don't think it's dust because the blemish is too big. I'll try stopping down and will upload the image if it is much different.


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I think you have more than one spot. It does look like dust and it means you'll have to google "dust on sensor" or "sensor cleaning", or, read in the manual about how to do it.

It's something that is unavoidable with DSLRs. Some seem to be more vulnerable than others, but at some point, the dust has to be cleaned out.


Senior Member
Did you look at that link I posted above with the samples of dust in various locations? That sure does look like dust or pollen or a tiny droplet of who knows what on the sensor. Did you try at a high aperture? I think you will see more at high f stops. Dust on the sensor does not look like 'dust' in the picture, it looks like darker, very out of focus orbs.


Senior Member
Definitely looks like dust, and if that's at the max aperture then it's likely a big chunk of dust. I suspect something that big should come off with a good shot of air from a bulb.

Scott Gehman

New member
Yes, I've confirmed that it is dust. It didn't occur to me that depth of field is at both ends of the lens - the image being shot and the film plane. Apparently, the IR filter that the dust is on keeps the dust far enough away from the sensor that it is out of focus at wide apertures and in focus when stopped down.

​Thanks for everyone's help!


Staff member
Super Mod
View attachment 57236Thank you for so many replies! Here's a sample of the issue in question. The spot is circled.

Crikey! Only one spot? You should see my D600 AFTER getting it back from Nikon's service (three times since the beginning of September)! It has lots more than that!

Glad you've determined the problem and hope you will be able to get it cleaned off! :)