Nikon Rumors D600 Owner Survey


Happily retired
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Super Mod
Done. It seems mine was dusty (realized it while in Vietnam for a 3 week holiday last year and had left without anything to clean sensor), but I've cleaned it a few times and it seems it's as good as the ones I see coming back from Nikon.


Blade Canyon

Senior Member
I did it, but there should have been a question about whether D600 owners were satisfied with the overall performance. I've had dust, but no oil issues. (Bought the camera used with 6k actuations already on it.) Owners of other bodies are reporting dust issues, too. Gone are the olden days of film when a fresh unblemished piece of celluloid was rolled into place for each picture. (So funny to remember being limited to 36 pictures, and not even seeing the results until days later.)
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Senior Member
I'm with you Blade, and actually pinged the folks over at Rumors saying such. After the question asking if it still worked after you got it back from Nikon they never asked if you were happy with the camera or regretted the purchase. I think it's just to get a feel for how bad/widespread the shutter problem was and whether or not it continued to be an issue after warranty repairs.

The news that the only real difference with the 610 is the shutter and frame rate tells me that it seems to be the only knock with the original camera, but a knock nonetheless. I'm hoping they have one at PhotoPlus in October. I'm interested to see what's what, but I'm sticking with my 600.


Senior Member
I filled it out too. Just as an update, and I'll post this in a few other threads, I got my camera back for the second time on Tuesday, took it on a trip, never changed the lens once and there are about 20+ spots on the sensor again. I'll contact Nikon tomorrow and see what happens next.