Strange shots and unexpected shots while shooting macro


Senior Member
While shooting macro you sometimes catch a shot that throws you or surprised you caught the shot you did.

In the first picture I was trying my hand at ants.( not so easy) I noticed this ant acting as if it got stepped on, rolling around. I got him in focus and took the shot. When I got to the computer to get a closer look I noticed why he was rolling around.
printables 003.JPG


Senior Member
The way the black ant was rolling around, I do believe the brown ant was!. If you guys have any off the wall and strange captures post them here.


Senior Member
Here is a shot that freaked me out. I took a few pictures of this guy. When I zoomed in I noticed something on his back. I don't think it was his friend.
printables 004.jpgI have a funny feeling the spider was his mobile dinner till he got older.


Senior Member
There is too much shadow. I would have tried a litter harder on this one. "SOLID" shot though. No "running" of the colors. Looks a little "Grainy" . What did you feed him! LOL