Newbie from the sunny north west of england!


Senior Member
Hi everyone!

im chris, i have been on another photography forum and the 'critique' was a little too sharp for me there, so i was looking for a safer haven and hope this place will be just right.

i recently got into photography, despite being interested in it for years, i have a d5100 and absolutely love it, the more i use it the more i appreciate it.

Im really interested in bird, animal photography but i love landscapes and the great outdoors, cityscapes and architecture, night photographyis something that fascinates and id like to get into the odd portrait too. I love history so stuff like trains and planes also floats my boat.

So im into a bit of everything really, which is great but means the amount of £ im going to have to put into this to buy the lenses i need is gonna be frightening, but so far every penny has been well spent. Its so addictive!

it would be great to talk to others with the same interests and maybe meetup with anyone who is into the same stuff.

Anyway, thats me in a kingsize nutshell :)
Welcome to the forum

Glad to see another D5100 shooter. We have a lot of them here including me. Looking forward to seeing some of your shots.

Some useful links
Nikon Product Manuals available for download
Nikon | Imaging Products | Digitutor


Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72px

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.



Senior Member
Cheers guys!

im writing from my ipad and i have trouble uploading pics so im going to have to add it to flickr and link it, hopefully that will work.

does anyone else use the ipad for photo editing?

Im waiting to upgrade to a pc with a big screen so i can enjoy my photos so atm im stuck with the little ipad . Thing is, when i have money to buy a comp, the temptation to buy a lens is just too great to resist;)