This is for DaveW and any other disbelievers


Senior Member
So, i was reading about one members recent trip to Africa and how his D800 got soaked with rain water. As he stated, it still does work. Then i read this: "And on that note, remember a few months ago a poster who swore that you could dunk a Nikon camera completely in water and then place that water/camera in a freezer and once frozen let the ice cube melt and the camera would be just fine? Who was that guy?"

Read more:

Well, that would have been me. Even though I had given you video proof that it was possible, i am guessing you did not bother to watch the video. I would never say anything seemingly far-fetched without giving proof, which i did. Therefore, seeing as you still doubt it, here is more proof that you can do what i said:

Go to 6:07 of the video

Go to 5:36 of this video

Personally, i had my Canon 35mm P&S get soaked in a flood in Manila. Guess what?? It still worked after i dried it out. No need to treat your camera like a baby egg project in high school.


Hey I treat my camera like an egg in a box dropped from the roof of the school. I haven't broke it yet and it isn't even half waterproofed! LOL :)
I really don't care that you can do this (and I think it is great that you can) but I will still treat my Nikon and any future cameras like a baby egg project in high school.


The Dude
I once saw a video on Utube where the guy actually levitated in the air for minutes at a time. Let me see if I can find it


Senior Member
I once saw a video on Utube where the guy actually levitated in the air for minutes at a time. Let me see if I can find it

Sarcasm well noted. Now, I suppose you're going to tell me that Santa Clause isn't real and the Tooth Fairy didn't really leave quarters for my teeth. :hopelessness:


Senior Member
CHeck it out, I found a guy that can spin straw into GOLD!!!!
