Walt Disney World Mainstreet USA


Senior Member
Ah a fellow fan ;)
A picture that tugs at my heartstrings. Great effect with the dramatic sky. I have a similar on posted in my gallery but it looks quite different :)

Off to find you on Flickr so if you see a contact request shortly, it would be me :)


Senior Member
Nice work, CakvalaSC.

​Years ago, I took an employee's photography course at WDW. One of Disney's photographers taught the course, and we would go to class for about an hour and get sent into the park to shoot our assignment. The following week we'd come back with our photographs and the teacher would critique some of them. Then we's get another assignment and go out to shoot, again. The course lasted something like six weeks, and best of all, almost all of the shooting assignments were undertaken after the park closed and was virtually empty- after the guests had departed and before most of the maintenance workers got started. Oh, I so wish I knew where those Kodachromes and Ektacromes are today. Even more, I'd love to be able to do it again with digital.