Hello from Malaysia

SilanTra ZaiDi

Senior Member
Hi there nikonites,

The name is Zaidi...lives in Malaysia...
i found this site a couple of months ago through a very funny experience.. only now i got the guts to post my introduction...

Frankly, ive started using SLR years ago with my sister canon EOS but with the Auto mode and the preset mode...never have the guts to try something...

I only have the chance to used DSLR when my office bought D70 some time ago...and while taking photos in the line of duty..i start to learn some very basic stuff and can shoot in A mode... nonetheless i still afraid ...

in 2011 i was stationed in Japan for 6 month, got plenty of time as a tourist cum part time student, my primary intention to get a cheap DSLR. 5 days after landed in Japan, i acquired a used D80 together with a crap lens (hahaha)... played with it until i bought a used 18-105 lens... there were plenty of interesting things happening in Japan...the guys next door who used D200 were my sensei (together with virtual sensei KR..hahaha)... to cut the long story short, my 6 months in Japan, i managed to learn many things...consumed about 11k of shutter counts.... (50% are craps anyway..)...

when i get back home, i got some more gadget (thanks to the office)... and 2 months ago, i decided to trade my trusted D80 with D7000.
ever since that, there's no turning back.. i'm still a novice and willing to learn from u guys.... hope to learn many tricks here... thanks for reading



Senior Member
Hi Zaidi, welcome to the forum, check out Jeff's D7000 tip thread, he spent alot of time on it for new owners like us.

Nikon D7000 tips

dont forget to give him a like and a comment for it.

SilanTra ZaiDi

Senior Member
thanks for the replies... yeah grandpaw tips were the one i read prior to getting my D7000...excellent articles....
there are still learning curve for me...