It takes time to find your voice.

Ruidoso Bill

Senior Member
What a great read! I sometimes wonder where I'm at in this "Life Long Linear Process" I've only been doing it for 44 years, at least I'm not under 40...


Senior Member
I believe DaveW posted a similar thing about finding your voice the other day, with a Helsinki Bus Terminal Analogy. Since getting seriously into photography 2 years ago I've honestly paid more attention to the technical aspects more than anything else, trying to figure out how to do certain things, both with the camera and with the software, mimicking a little of this and a little of that. Only since the beginning of this year have I begun to think about what my voice is as I look through the lens - what it is I'm trying to express. That's become a challenge, because in some cases I don't know. I've always been a very existential photographer(?) - going out with no real purpose other than trying to capture what I see. I still make a habit of that, but it's no longer the norm. And as I do it I can start to see the transition from "a guy taking pictures" to "a photographer", and what that difference means. Finding your voice is everything, even if you're a schizophrenic and realize you require several.


Senior Member
Thanks, that was a very good read. :)

The author has put my thoughts into words. I am rarely happy with a lot of photos I take as there are already hundreds like them.

I do like the challenge of seeing everyday places and objects in different ways that have not been done, but are visually expressive.

I know I have a win when someone else sees the photo and straight away goes "Wow!".