First snow


Senior Member
I know...the picture sucks, but that's not the point. I wanted to capture the first snow fall of the season, so this is my back yard and the snow that's still falling. That tree in the left foreground is an apple tree! :)



Senior Member
some guys will do anything to start a thread. First snow is great, would be even better if it would go away after a couple of days. How can u work snow into a "harvest" photo?
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Senior Member
We had to shake the trees last week with our first snow and we haven't even really had Fall yet. The trees are still full of green leaves.


Senior Member
some guys will do anything to start a thread. First snow is great, would be even better if it would go away after a couple of days. How can u work snow into a "harvest" photo?

LOL! Well, there's no place else to put it, Pup. :) No idea in how to work snow into a "harvest" photo. :)

Tami Jo

Senior Member
Nice Jack! Hard to think about snow when it's still in the 90's here. Hope it continues so you can get a few of those beautiful winter wonderland shots in the morning


Staff member
Super Mod
LOL! Well, there's no place else to put it, Pup. :) No idea in how to work snow into a "harvest" photo. :)

Place a couple of pumpkins, squash, etc... out in your backyard in the snow. It was in the mid to upper 80's here yesterday. Don't miss the cold at all!


Happily retired
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Super Mod
It's coming wether we like it or NOT! I guess I'll have to get ready for it too since it usually gets here a few days after it hits you.


Senior Member
I am hoping it comes late this year, but after a dry summer in the NorthEast, people are predicting a snowy winter.


Senior Member
I guess I'm in the minority.....I love snow and can't wait to take photo's of my daughters competitions on the mountain. I am tired of sweating at summer soccer games "practicing" with my new camera. anxiously waiting for the first snow. It's the LAST snowfall that makes me sad......


Senior Member
When I was a kid, I used to love the snow. Now that I'm a senior citizen, I hate it! I wasn't designed for snow and cold weather! lol I can do without it. For those of you that live in nice warm climates, don't have to shovel heat! ;)