Bureau of Land Management Permits

Moab Man

Senior Member
Anyone shot on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) property, you know the land that is supposedly Joe Publics land they manage for us. Apparently you need a special permit for commercial photography on our (their) land. Unfortunately, I have been unable to get any information or response from our public servants managing our (their) lands.

If you have shot on BLM land, what permits did you need and the cost/fees involved?

Thank you.


Senior Member
Haven't run into this personally. That said, if I ever discovered that a property I was interested in was owned by the federal government, I would (9 times out of 10) just say NO THANKS and move on.


Staff member
Super Mod
Did you read this info from their web site? The link at the end is where I obtained this info. There is also a contact name for commercial filming listed at the end of that link. Perhaps that person could offer you more info.

Still Photography
Most professional and amateur photographers are allowed to take still photographs on public lands without a permit or the payment of any fees. Public land visitors and recreational, professional and amateur photographers do NOT need a permit to take still photographs unless the still photography will:


  • Use models, sets or props that are not part of the site’s natural or cultural resources or administrative facilities;
  • Take place where members of the public are generally not allowed; or
  • Take place at a location where additional administrative costs are likely.

Filming Permits

Moab Man

Senior Member
Thank you Hark. I was on another page of the BLM where it said that led me to this along with a permitting process that didn't apply to me.

Permits are required for the following:

  • Commercial activities such as: guide services; food or merchandise sales; fund-raising events; commercial filming or still photography

With the information you shared, that should clear my first hurdle as I only need the feet I'm standing on, tripod, and camera.

That link really helped. Thank you again to Hark and everyone.


Staff member
Super Mod
Thank you Hark. I was on another page of the BLM where it said that led me to this along with a permitting process that didn't apply to me.

Permits are required for the following:

  • Commercial activities such as: guide services; food or merchandise sales; fund-raising events; commercial filming or still photography

With the information you shared, that should clear my first hurdle as I only need the feet I'm standing on, tripod, and camera.

That link really helped. Thank you again to Hark and everyone.

Lol! I looked up their site and was trying to navigate through it but decided the info wasn't readily available. So...I typed is photography allowed on Bureau of Land Management into a Google search, and BAM...it was the 2nd thing listed. ;)

Moab Man

Senior Member
Update: I do not need to go through the BLM. The organizing body that wants me to shoot the event manages all the permitting. Woohoo that makes life so much easier.


Staff member
Super Mod
Do you think you can share a few of the photos after you take them, or do you have restrictions on sharing them? It would be interesting to see the area especially if any permits are required.

Moab Man

Senior Member
Do you think you can share a few of the photos after you take them, or do you have restrictions on sharing them?

Absolutely will share, with a few exceptions. However, the shoot is a couple of months out. Negotiating and getting my cats in a row right now. I say cats because they don't line up as easy as ducks. So for right now I'm lining up cats.