D750 in camera rating

Goran Vadlja

New member

I want to ask if anyone knows how to rate pictures in camera so that i have them rated with stars when i import them in lightroom?

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
No... The only thing you could do is use the Copyright menu option to add a keyword to the metadata..... instead of a copyright... and then selectively turn the copyright ON/OFF before a shot... and even then, it'll only add it, and LR won't know what to do with it at import... You'd have to search for the keyword, then manually add the star ratings...

Star ratings in LR are only internal to LR... there's no accepted standard for ratings as a function of EXIF data, as far as I know...


Senior Member
There's nothing on the D750 that allows you to alter the metadata after the fact. Would be nice if there was an option in the Retouch menu but no.