Weekly Challenge August 5th-11th "BEAUTY"

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Senior Member
Weekly Challenge DATE: Beauty

This week's challenge is all about Beauty
Definition of BEAUTY

1: the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit.

This is a chance to show us what beauty means to you. Is it in another person? Is it in a flower or tree? If is a car? A Sunrise? You show us what you think is beauty. So here is your chance to remember why you take your camera out to shoot.
Remember to read the rules before posting. You are entitled to one entry only and the picture has to be taken between the challenge's opening and closing dates.

We will be judging according to the 12 rules used in the photo-critique section. If you want to refresh your memory, check them out.

So get out there and have fun with your Nikon.

Best to all participants.

These challenges are designed to help you grow in your photography skills and creativity, and also to have fun. Be sure to visit the Weekly Challenge Rules & Guidelines for more information.

The Rules
  1. Any photo submitted for a weekly challenge must be taken during the dates specified in the challenge thread and taken by you! Because not all EXIFdata can be verified, we will use the honor system.
  2. Photos must be posted to the thread in order to be considered for the challenge.
  3. Challenges will be judged solely by the panel. Individual voting via post "likes" will be incorporated into the final selection of the winning photo.
  4. Only one photo entry per member, for each challenge, unless otherwise indicated.
  5. Judging criteria is based on the Twelve Elements of a Merit Image.
There will be no cash or prizes awarded for the Weekly Challenge, unless specifically noted by the site administrator.

Any photo will be accepted for the challenge. Edited/straight out of the camera, it does not matter. You are left with complete freedom to do whatever genre of photography you wish to do, and your own interpretation of the challenge subject.


  • i-jPCTskT-L.jpg
    98.5 KB · Views: 842


Senior Member
Finally my self portrait will be unveiled!! OOPS! Never mind that would be my "inner beauty". That wouldnt be a pretty sight!! I will have to think of something.
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Senior Member

This is my Nikon there are many like it but this one is mine.
Without me my Nikon is nothing.
Without my Nikon I am nothing."

Jeff - I like your Signature!! "This is my rifle......".... I hope you don't bark that out every morning at home ?


Senior Member
I might just enter this week's challenge. Everytime I try to post a photo it uploads small and grainy. Any ideas on how to fix it so I can enter this week's challenge.
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Senior Member
I might just enter this week's challenge. Every time I try to post a photo it uploads small and grainy. Any ideas on how to fix it so I can enter this week's challenge.

Try and resize your pics to no larger than 1024x768. Keep the resolution to 72. Save to your hard drive, then upload from the saved location.

Billy Y.

Senior Member
OK, I realize Beauty is subjective, and this subject may not appeal to a very large audience, but she is my daughter, and I can't think of anything more beautiful to me.
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