Pretzel's learning curve...


Senior Member
Backdoor Hippie style... It may not be 365, but I'll do my best. I'm a rookie just learning his new cam, so some things may be mundane, but what the heck?

1st, some yard adventures... A tiny yellow lady no bigger than my fingernail, so an attempt at a macro with some bokeh. D3100 with just the kit lens (probably should have used the tripod, but oh well).



Senior Member
Another attempt at a close up on a flower, this one from a shaded area in the back yard, and a little faster shutter speed. (Followed by a random pic of a pooch who wanted to distract me from my editing) You can actually see more detail on this bloom, and the head of an ant making a successful photobomb. Same set up, D3100, kit lens, no tripod. Going to try to re-create these with a tripod next week.




Senior Member
Nice shots. I tried to id the flower but no luck. Where are you located?

Thanks! I can still tell I'm a rookie comparing myself to others on this forum, but I do try!

As to where I'm from... Not South Florida! I wish! HA! (Although I visit Dad down there every couple of years)

I'm way up here in NE Oklahoma.


Senior Member
OK, a couple more bloom shots using the tripod AND a faster shutter speed. Also switched to the higher quality .jpg (fine) for my shots.

Well, the 1st one isn't a close-up, I just loved the pic... the 2nd one is a close-up. Couple more tomorrow.



Senior Member
Switching up from flowers a bit... how about my boy getting real close and personal with the squirrels, and my first attempt at capturing "running" water?

With a few sunflower seeds, it wasn't hard at all to get a nice close up shot or two...

...and here's one of my first attempts at "running" water.

Tomorrow? "Seeking the Great Spirit".


Senior Member
Here's a couple of different edits of the same photo. The 1st is just B&W, the second with a little off-focal blur. Can't decide which I like best.

Then a third in full color up close.





Senior Member
No chance to get back to the "Great Spirit" yet, but decided to test my camera's night shooting capabilities by butchering a few shots with my novice-ness. I've always wanted to be able to get great moon shots, but this seems like it might be one of my biggest challenges? Daily reminded of just how much I have to learn...

This one seems to have the most detail, but I'm guessing because it had more in it than just the moon and clouds...



Senior Member
It's been a while, sorry. Been busy digging up a flower bed in the front so we can replace weed central with controlled beauty. Dozens of wagons full of dirt gone, bushels of weeds gone, ground leveled and hand tamped, a few pavers put in for spacing... and my back hurts!

Here's an iPhone pic to explain the time lapse, then I'll throw up another dissatisfying attempt at bokeh as I still learn...



Senior Member
...and another failed attempt at a crystal clear subject with nice bokeh. GOT the bokeh but there's a lot of noise in the pic. Think it was 1) not great lighting, and 2) being a bit too close so I didn't meet the kit lens minimum focal distance.

Ordering the VR 55-200 lens soon so I can zoom in from farther back and hopefully fix my urge to smell the flowers as I shoot them!



Senior Member
BEAUTIFUL clear day in the mid 80's, with a bit of a breeze... thought a flag shot would be nice! I needed a little bit faster shutter speed, but got a shot a rookie can be proud of anyway?



Senior Member
Headed out on lunch to catch some great tailed grackle, found a crane, some ducks and some turtles instead. Was trying shots in full manual mode, so hoping to have some decent pics for y'all tonight!

Also, signed up for a basic DSLR class at one of the local studios, so maybe I won't hurt your eyes so much in the future. ;)


Staff member
Super Mod
Good luck with the class. How long is it? I've done a 6 hour (over 3 days) class (bird in flight) and a half day workshop. I think they're worth it.


Senior Member
Good luck with the class. How long is it? I've done a 6 hour (over 3 days) class (bird in flight) and a half day workshop. I think they're worth it.

Thanks! It's an 8 hour class over 4 weeks (1 day a week) to teach and practice all the different settings and "adjustables". I'm excited to start developing what has turned into a new love!


Senior Member
Today's venture to LaFortune Park on my lunch hour...

I actually went in search of the numerous Great-tailed Grackle (or Mexican Grackle) that typically haunt this spot, but wouldn't you know it, there wasn't a single one within photo range. I could hear them, but never spotted more than a blue-black flash. Instead, I found the critters shown below. 111 shots, and only a few worth keeping. UGH! I butchered a lot messing with the fully manual mode of shooting, so I'll be glad for my classes that start this Monday!

A bit over-exposed, eh? This odd couple stayed within 1 foot of each other as they covered the entirety of the large golf-course pond.

Obligatory shot of the fountain. 50 Shades of Gray? BAH! I'll take shades of GREEN any day!

Then, creeping down into a concrete storm drainage area in search of potentially sunning turtles, which disappeared with a splash as soon as I looked their way, I found this pleasant surprise...

He let me get fairly close, although he hobbled up the concrete on the other side when I pushed it. It gave me the chance to catch him against a completely bland background so I could highlight the full colored beauty (right before he hoarked up a small fish just seconds after this shot).

Messing with settings, I ended up getting back on the "basic" size of jpeg instead of "fine" jpeg, so might have lost a little bit of detail there, but it's hard to tell if it was that or my attempts to go full manual. Mostly, this day was a fun learning experience, and SO MANY MORE REASONS for me to crave that 55-200mm zoom that's on my short list!
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