New Macro Lens - 40mm 2.8G


Senior Member
I just got this lens yesterday and haven't been able to go outside and shoot, due to a week of heavy rain. This is my first shot taken, without any post production. I shot it in low light and at 100 ISO, 1/15th of a sec and f/3.2, handheld. I've got a lot to learn but figured I'd post it, anyway.


  • Lens macro.jpg
    Lens macro.jpg
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Nice job hand holding at only 1/15! Nice start!!

So let's go Philly! You've got a D7000 man!! (i.e. one of Nikon's best high ISO cameras - certainly best in the DX lineup!) Pump up that ISO and raise that shutter speed! Let's see ISO 1600 and a shutter speed of at least 1/125 at f/2.8 (or smaller) - bet you get something even nicer out of that! :)
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