Fall Colours


Senior Member
Greetings one and all,

I am working on photo project. Taking a picture per day of my back yard as the leaves begin to fall and change colour. I have set up a tripod and set the Aperture to F8 and will let the camera decide on the shutter speed.

The lens is set to 18mm and I have marked spots to set out the tripod. Anything else I should do.



Moab Man

Senior Member
If you can be real precise and not have to alter the camera; once you have your initial focus set you might want to switch it to manual. As the leaves thin it might change your focus. If you do this then put some painters tape on the lens so it does creep back in and change the focus.

Maybe do the same time of day with plenty of light. Otherwise, the camera will try to adjust for lighting and adjust out your color. For example. When shooting a sunset if you keep adjusting the camera shutter because the light it getting dimmer, remember the camera is trying to make it like daylight for "proper" exposure, then you will wash away your color. All settings need to stay the same so that as it darkens you get the colors displayed. The same, to a degree, could happen with your leaves depending on time of day and available light.

Curious to see the end result.


Senior Member
Thanks Roy

The hardest part is consistency. I agree with everything you said I am keeping it all in mind and hoping to do it between 5:00 and 5:30 every day. Its not going to be easy but will try.

The other major issue is positioning of the tripod in exactly the same place. I have drawn circles around the spots for the legs of the tripod.




Senior Member
Hi Everyone

I have added a picture of the first day. This is what its going to look like and as time goes on. You will see the changes. I will post a photo on a weekly basis so you can see the changes.




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Senior Member
Hello Everyone

I thought I would post some pictures from the first week of the project. Right now not much difference, however as the weeks go on it will get more dramatic.
If any on can help me with suggestions on the blown out sky please help me.

I cannot use a polarizer as camera settings need consistency with the pictures needs to be maintained.


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