First attempts at low key


Senior Member
Hi guys

im sharing a few photos of my daughter
i am trying new things all the time and thought I'd give low key black and white a go.

please leave feedback on what you think

I know my logo is big, these photos are just for my record, and practice!


  • image.jpg
    25.7 KB · Views: 130


Senior Member
Hope you dont mind i have re posted to separate them




I felt they deserved to be shown like this


  • 3.jpg
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Happily retired
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Super Mod
They are all nice, but I would want to retouch the drool in the third picture. There is a nasty reflection under the baby's lips that could easily be edited out.


Senior Member
First, Thanks Mike!!

Second, I love the low key shots. I have to agree about the 3 shot that Marcel brought up. The chin competes with the eyes as being the brightest area in the frame. Makes me jump around that photo and not lock in to any one area.

And Third, Looks like you may have let Nikonites resize your you got stripped. Could you please post up some EXIF for us less knowledgeable in portraiture? With sugar on top? Maybe a cherry too?


Senior Member
The Forum automatically resizes all photos to 1024 on the LONG side of the photo. So my D610 files that are 6016X4016px will be resized to 1024px on the long side. But when the Forum resizes for you it removes all the imbedded information the camera attaches to you file. Things like: Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO,ECT ECT...they just disappear.

The secret is when you svae a file for upload to this forum, resize it yourself to 1000 pixels on the long side. This way all that information is preserved. And when you mouse over the photo all your camera settings will be displayed so we can see what settings you used to record the shot! It is a great tool to help everyone learn new shooting styles. Or to help them dial in on what they may be doing wrong if they choose to try and imitate your beautiful work.