Ferris Wheel with programmed light show


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I've taken a few Ferris Wheel photos in the past, but they've changed the lights on this one to do a programmed light show. Has anyone taken photos of ferris wheels with this type of lights, and if so, what suggestions do you have to offer? Please forward the video to @1:34 to really see how the lights start changing. :eyetwitch:

And it's my understanding they will only offer the light show for 20 minutes per night so I hope I will be able to get there during that time.



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Oh sorry!!! I don't have any EXIF data for the first photo because it was taken with an N90s. The second photo was taken with a D90 at 110mm, f/13, for 6 seconds tripod mounted (both were tripod mounted). I believe I used the equivalent of ISO 100 (whatever 'LO' ISO is supposed to be equal to ISO 100). It also says I used Tungsten.

I can either use my D600 or D90 this year.


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So, You did not shoot the video?

No, it's not my video. It's a video of a ferris wheel from a travelling fair that goes up and down the eastern part of the US. Here is a list of this year's locations.

Since the lights are constantly changing, I'd just like to hear from anyone who has shot it (or anything similar). Usually ferris wheel photos are several seconds long, but obviously the changing light program will affect the end result.

Both of the attached photos are from previous fairs where the lights did a chasing type of pattern starting from the center of the spokes and running outwards--then it would repeat itself constantly. Long exposures gives the illusion the lights are on constantly rather than the chasing pattern. With the new program, the lights will be changing color from moment to moment. I'll just have to experiment with a variety of short and long exposures although I have no idea how they will turn out.


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In case anyone is interested in seeing this ferris wheel live, I don't know if they have more than 1 ferris wheel. On the locations link I listed, there are orange and blue units which are in 2 simultaneous locations. In the past, they used to explain the difference--I think the orange unit is the bigger fair with the ferris wheel.


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I experimented since I really didn't know how the photos would turn out with the programmed lights. Here are a few.

By the way, the bottom attached photo (red & blue) looks like there is something wrong with the lower part of the lights. Those are flags flying in front of the ferris wheel.


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And this light pattern is one of my favorites.


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The colors kept changing. I am amazed by the number of different images I took. I hope some of you will have a chance to photograph this type of Ferris Wheel with LED programmed lights. Last year many of my images all looked similar because they didn't have these lights.


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Interesting and excellent shots! Where was it when you got these?
I took these last night. It's a travelling fair that goes up and down the eastern US seaboard. Currently they are in Levittown, PA which is @30 minutes north of Philadelphia, or for those in New Jersey, it's maybe 5-10 minutes across the river from Trenton.

Here is their home page--from there you can access a 'Locations' link. Reithoffer Shows | The Aristocrat of Show Business There are 2 different fairs--they classify them as orange or blue. This was an orange category (I have no idea why they use colors). I *think* the blue fair uses a somewhat smaller ferris wheel; however, I don't know if the other ferris wheel is equipped with these LED lights.

It would be neat to make a collage of all your shots together. Whats the general settings/lens?

Almost all of my shots were with a Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 lens (tripod mounted). I took a few with my Nikon 70-200mm 4.5-5.6 but found 70mm was plenty long. In fact, most were taken under 70mm, and all the ones taken from last night that are attached here were with the Sigma 24-70mm. All are ISO 100 with a D600.

Last year when I took the Ferris Wheel photos with their older lights, I shot in manual mode and tried to keep my shutter speed between 4 to 6 seconds by varying the aperture to control the amount of light. This year I was a dodo and completely forgot to use manual mode so I was in aperture priority (which is my main shooting mode) but was keeping an eye on my shutter speed. I prefer this year's photos that were taken with faster shutter speeds--when I say faster, I mean somewhere between 1-2 seconds rather than ones I took longer than 2 seconds. However, as I just stated, last year's photos with the older lights worked better with 4-6 second exposures, but I didn't care for this year's photos with longer than 2 second exposures. The difference in lights significantly changed the outcome of the photos.

Take a look at the green swirly attached photo. For some reason the camera got 'stuck' with the shutter open, and I had to turn the camera off to stop it. That one is 12.3 seconds at f/18.

The purple swirly attached photo was shot at 6 seconds using f/18. Neither of these photos has the really deep colors compared to the photos with the faster shutter speeds, and I've bumped up the color slightly in all the photos.

The third attached photo turned out really odd. Certainly not great by any means, and didn't do any editing to remove street lights or anything--just using it as an example for you. It was shot at only 1/2 second using f/4. Part of it depends upon how fast the ferris wheel is moving. If they are loading/unloading cars, then 1-2 seconds won't produce much movement. If the wheel is going around for its ride, I preferred 1-2 second shutter speeds.


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I found I saved these ferris wheel files as RAW (the previously posted shots were jpegs edited in PSE 10). It was fun playing around with Lightroom 4 to edit these--then I did a little tweaking in PSE 10.


And this was one of their attractions, too:
