Best place to buy a spare battery for D7000?


Senior Member
I'm in need of a backup battery. I'm open to 3rd party if its reliable.

Any recommendations for best place to buy a D7000 battery?

Thanks, Dave


Staff member
Super Mod
I bought mine at my local camera store. It was $4 more than online. I had it the same day and helps keep them in business.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
I find Amazon hard to beat, typically. I'll also suggest the far less expensive Wasabi battery for your '7000. I've use Wasabi batteries in all three of my Nikon's and my girlfriend is using them now. They operate exactly like the Nikon branded batteries in every way but cost about half what a Nikon branded battery does. I've actually come to prefer these over the Nikon batteries.

Also, with two batteries, you might want to consider this dual-slot battery charger. I picked one up a while ago on a whim and now I have to say it's great! Really glad I got it.

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Senior Member
Buy local. I would stay with a Nikon branded battery. You can of course buy an after market much cheaper, but I would rather not have to beat myself up on a poor choice, if the cheaper one did not perform as expected, i,e., did not give an accurate readout as to it's current charge etc., etc. But I look at it this way, after paying a lot of money for a good camera, why scrimp on a battery?


The Dude
Surprisingly, I found an almost brand new battery by placing a wanted ad on Craigslist. The fellow had purchased a grip but didn't like the feel of it and ended up sending it back but didn't send back the extra battery. I bought the battery (I think I paid ~$10 less than the Amazon price) and before I was able to take down my Craigslist ad, I got a second email from a fellow with a similar story. So I would suggest you put an ad on Craigslist (since it's 100% free) and see what turns up. It sure couldn't hurt


Senior Member
Support your local camera store whenever possible first.
Otherwise, BH photo, Adorama. Amazon as well - be sure the seller/shipper on Amazon is reputable...