ViewNX 2 program *Focal Point and setting PLEASE ADVICE


New member
Can I manually change the focal point on this program?​
I recently shot a photo where my camera auto selected the focal point. I know how to set my own, i just accidentally had it under auto while showing someone how the camera worked ( and I left it on auto) :mad:.
So my question being is this, I shoot always in RAW. This photo is in Raw and I would like to take the focal point setting off a certain subject in the picture and actually choose the object that I wanted the focal point on. Is this possible? If not in this program, can anyone give me advice on a program that can?

One last question, I shot with a D90 in RAW format. I uploaded to my computer and opened under ViewNX2 and all the pictures are blur, not really distinct or sharp?? I know I had the correct settings under manual so I am confused? I did notice tho, that the auto color lateral abberation is check marked ( in which I never noticed before), but when I un-check this the picture becomes a little clearer. If i try to sharpen tho it looks for pix-elated and basically awful. PLEASE help. I have searched for hours on both these subjects :confused: I can not figure these out or find any help with them on the internet, I only find subjects hinting towards these subjects.
Thank you in advance

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
You cannot do what you want in ViewNX... and probably NOT in any other program... directly...

You can "sharpen" areas of an image in a layer in Photoshop... and you can "unsharpen" other areas using the same technique... that may achieve the results of looking like the focus is in a different place... but if the area you're trying to "sharpen" isn't in focus to begin with... your results might not be all that spectacular to begin with... for the time, effort and cost involved...

There is a camera that allows you to change the focus points after the fact.... but that ain't the D90... or any other of Nikon's cameras...

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Fred is correct in the fact that once you shoot it the focus is set. There is on experimental camera out there where you can focus after you shoot

Lytro Light Field Camera lets you focus after taking your shot | ZDNet

I think this is not going to be the quality of a DSLR for a while yet though.