D3300 VR vs NVR


New member
I am a photography newbie and want to buy a D3300. I have found 2 options in the market:
- Nikon D3300 AF-P 18-55mm VR
- Nikon D3300 AF-P 18-55mm NVR (which is cheaper)
The thing is that I don't know how important the VR is and if it's worth the extra money. :confused:

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I don't think VR is worth the difference at that focal length... 55mm is relatively short for VR to make much of a difference. By the time you learn the fundamentals of good hand held shooting and exposure, you won't notice whether you have it or not.


Senior Member
Actually I have seen that VR helps newbies, as in most cases their hands are rarely rock steady initially, though not having VR will teach you how to hold the camera steady. I would suggest getting the VR lens and try out shooting at low speeds with and without VR to gauge its utility.

Bob Blaylock

Senior Member
Actually I have seen that VR helps newbies, as in most cases their hands are rarely rock steady initially, though not having VR will teach you how to hold the camera steady. I would suggest getting the VR lens and try out shooting at low speeds with and without VR to gauge its utility.

I seem to be occasionally capable of feats of exceptional rock-steadiness in holding my camera. VR certainly helps, though. I don't know, for example, if I would have been able to take this picture without it; most people certainly couldn't.


This was at a church Halloween party last year. The exposure time was 1.6 seconds. No tripod. I was not leaning myself nor my camera on any other object to steady it. I was standing, in a fairly normal stance. You can see that people and a few objects in the shot were moving, and were blurred as a result, but the static objects in the shot are not blurred noticeably.

Then, there was this shot, from a few days ago, one of a dozen candidates I am considering to enter in the current Weekly Challenge.


Exposure time, one second, even. The image looks deceptively like it is very brightly lit. Actually, the scene was very dark. Again, just me standing in a normal stance, no tripod, no other support. I don't know if I could have made this shot without VR.
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