Once Around Wako with the Nikon 200-500/5.6


Senior Member
2-17-16 Wako   3.jpg

2-17-16 Wako   8.jpg

2-17-16 Wako   10.jpg

2-17-16 Wako   6.jpg


Senior Member
Well done, looks like a beast of a lens :)

I'm very pleased with the lens.

There was a guy with a huge Canon white lens, a 40# gimbled tripod, a flash unit that looked like a death ray, and a remote. He looked at me and probably wondered how I was just hand-holding the Nikon.

As it turned out, he was parked next to me when I left.

He looked tired.


Staff member
Super Mod
You'll have to go back and try to find the White Faced Whistling Duck Ted. I found it on Sunday, but didn't see it today.