Nikon Printed Manual


Senior Member
Has anyone tried to get their D500 Menu manual printed? or the Camera Manual? I brought in the "dinky" D500 manual unlike my D7000 which I had spiral bound(by them) so it lays FLAT. Any way the "National Printing Store" name unless you PM me, refused when they saw the last page.
"No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORATION." They said if you could get written permission they would do it. Now I understand if I was asking them to run 500 copies but only one. I left shaking my head. I do have Illustrator and I could change the wording on the back and present them with a PDF file. Then I remember the mayor of "Sunnyside" a Canadian situation comedy program said to the locals " I will buy locally unless I can get it cheaper on the Internet" words to that affect. So the question is did any one get the manual or menu manual reprinted at least an A5 size without killing their laser printer.

Lou Cioccio


Senior Member
Yes I do have an iPad and can do that but unable to high light a section or add my own notes, but I still like having any manual on paper and its actually faster to know where to look. The D7000 came with an A5 size book small and large enough to carry and easy to read. I immediately had it spiral bound. It did cost me 6$US but was well worth it and the battery does not drain. I think the wording on the last page should have had at least added allowed a personal copy. Has anyone gotten permission to copy their book; is the real question.
Lou Cioccio


Senior Member
Lou, you could just omit the last page of the PDF you give the printer. You cannot be held responsible for ommitted pages ����


Senior Member
I thought of that and that is easily done ( real easy on a Mac with the but thats not the point we as consumers should not have to resort to that; just plane common sense should prevail. I even thought of adding a line to the Nikon paragraph that you are allowed a copy for your yourself but I am not a good word smith. Anyway someone else has made a profit and I will show them when the two manuals arrive.

Like the old saying in retail business if you want to keep customers and not broom them away: "The customer is alway right even if they are wrong".

Lou Cioccio
Update I just received the printed Menu Manual size to A5 from the pdf. I had from the UK do it. They shipped it on the 28 June and I got it today. Actually its better than what the Office Store would have done.
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Senior Member
Okay I just received the D500 printed manual from the UK as they did not have any qualms in printing the pdf file. It double the thickness of the d7000 manual but now I can high light it and put in my own notes.
Lou Cioccio


Senior Member
I suppose it's one way for Nikon to save money,

just think how much it would cost to print a large size manual, then the box your camera comes in has to be made bigger, which then has to have more packaging inside, then more cost on transport, which all adds up to a few more £ on the price of the camera.


Senior Member
I under stand that; what I do not understand if Nikon gave me the privilege of downloading the pdf files to print on a printer that will use ink or toner and print to letter size paper or allow me to send it to Staples/OfficeMax/ or ant print establishment for a personal copy. Why did they not change this paragraph:

No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORATION.

to something like this:

No reproduction in any form of this manual for commercial purposes, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews and a personal copy for private use*), may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORATION.
*A personal copy is one that you have lawfully purchased(e.g. Camera,CD’s, ebooks) and private use allows you to make back up copies.

To me that would make sense; now I could use their "dinky" manual that will come apart at the glued binding or send the pdf to a print shop that creates an A5 size spiral bound booklet. At least give me a choice without resorting to using Illustrator/Indesign( 30 day trial) to alter that paragraph or using that can do similar and re-saving the file to a USB Stick.

Lou Cioccio

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
You're under the mistaken belief that their copyright statement gives you some right to load in as a PDF and print it for your personal use. You're incorrect. It doesn't give you that right. :)