October Monthly Challenge - Creep Me Out


Senior Member
October 2015 Assignment: CREEP ME OUT!

...NO... I don't mean pictures of Pretzel.



October... the temperatures are getting chillier in the Northern hemisphere, but even those in the Southern seem to get chills even as the weather begins to warm. WHY!? All Hallow's Eve, Halloween, the start of the triduum of Allhallowtide. It's celebrated in quite a few countries all across the world, and it's based on the time of year that was known to be set aside for remembering the dead. Around my parts, it's accompanied by "Spook Houses", scary movies, ghost stories and costumes. It also signifies the start of the DARK HALF of the year (for those in these parts that, like me, love our Summer).

Even if you don't recognize or celebrate the holiday though, there are still those things that strike you as creepy, right? Maybe it's something as small as a spider, or a noise down the hall in the middle of the night. It could be a familiar path, or shortcut, when the electric has gone out, or that sense of being....... watched. (WOW, just typing all of this out is starting to give me the shivers!)

WHATEVER it is, this is the month to try to capture the "CREEPY" in a photo, and share it with the rest of us!

There ya go, let's get shooting! Creativity rules in this challenge, but there are a few guidelines:

1. Any photo submitted for a monthly assignment must be taken during the month specified in the assignment thread and taken by YOU! (sometimes, EXIF gets messed over, so hold yourself to the honor system)
2. Obviously, for this challenge, your photo must portray "creepiness" of some sort. Other than that, it's all up to your interpretation of the theme. Any photo will be accepted, SOOC or edited, doesn't matter.
3. Photos must be posted in this thread to be considered. Links to photos will not be considered an entry.
4. Only THREE entries per member for each assignment. Please post entries separately (1 photo per post) and number the entry.
5. Entries will be judged by the number of likes received, with tie-breakers and close races being decided by an impartial "third party". (anonymous forum member with no entry involved in the tie-breaker)
6. The top 5 shots will be displayed in a separate thread, and will be displayed in no particular order.
7. This is intended to be a FUN challenge. No critiques unless specifically asked. Also, please limit posts to just photos and brief descriptions/titles. Any comments/discussion should occur elsewhere.

As listed in other challenges, please note: NO CASH OR PRIZES will be awarded for this Monthly Assignment.

HAVE FUN, can't wait to see the results!!
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Senior Member
So, a photo of Miley Cyrus wouldn't be allowed, unless it was taken during the month of October, no matter how much it creeps me out. Right?
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Dawg Pics

Senior Member
This is a teaser pic I made for my friend's haunted house Facebook page. It is a prop she uses in her home haunt.

Entry No. 1

Focal Length 25
F 4.5
Nikkor 19 - 70 mm
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Senior Member
So if you could have watched this on video, the head was rolling down the street during our high winds today.


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Senior Member
Evil pumkin apparition in the woods

its a pitty this one does not run for longer as Halloween is at the end of oct, not an easy topic when uve got little time and no kids..