Is D300 sturdy?


New member
I had read that D300is made of magnesium alloy. Is the camera very sturdy? Can I take it on my camping trips? Will sweat damage the camera?
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^ broke something
Staff member
It's a pretty sturdy camera compared to the other lower end dSLR cameras that Nikon offers (which are made of plastic) If you're worried about damaging the camera get a case for it. Any moisture has the potential of damaging electronics, but unless you submerge the camera in a pool of sweat, I suspect it will be okay.


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New member
I Own the D-300 and also the D-200 and Have used it in Light drizzle and sub-zero weather, and have had No problems
with it at all. It goes Camping with me.


New member
The D200, D300 and D300S are all very rugged cameras. Light drizzle won't affect the camera as much as it may effect the lens. An occasional wipe with a dry cloth is all you need.


New member
ive used mine in outright downpours, no problem.

i would not be worried doing this to my 300s, as long as the lens had an ass gasket.

here is a pic of mine after a downpour at mid-ohio, it was pretty wet, lol
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Senior Member
ive used mine in outright downpours, no problem.

i would not be worried doing this to my 300s, as long as the lens had an ass gasket.

here is a pic of mine after a downpour at mid-ohio, it was pretty wet, lol
Not to appear too stupid, what is an ass gasket?? As I would like to take my D300s rafting with me when I go next time!
Pete & Jack need not add their two cents worth, yes the raft stays a float while I am in it, I just don't want the D300s soaked. As for my rafting experience my ass print is all over the Delaware river from my canoe days.
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Senior Member
Yeah, it rains half the year here in Singapore. So having your camera wet is almost a sure thing unless you don't use it. Of course I always have a plastic rain coat ready and my bag has a protection cover.

The D300 has a 'firm' feel as compared to the lower ends models. I am not sure what you mean by sturdy but do compare them to really feel it.