Mt Ranier Sunrise


Senior Member
This one goes waaaay back, 1985 in fact. I got up at 4am and hiked about a mile to the site. I kept taking meter readings with my spot meter until the sun got just high enough above the horizon to illuminate Ranier but leave the foreground in shadow. I knew the EV difference between the two was going to be a lot so I metered on the foreground to put it in Zone IV and used N-1 development to prevent blocking of the detail in the snow. It was taken with the F2, 85mm f/2 Nikkor and Panatomic-X film on a tripod. I cannot recall the exposure but I remember it being a long one using the F2's self timer to set exposure.


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Senior Member
That looks like a hard shot to get right; you did a good job!

It was challenging, to be sure, and I did not do any manipulation with the image after I scanned the negative. The range of Zones is very wide, from Zone II in the darkest parts of he foreground all the way to Zone IX in the brightest highlights of the snow. That is where careful exposure measurement and the appropriate development compensation come into play. This image is perfect example of applying Ansel Adams' Zone System throughout the entire process!