What is it, and how do i fix it?


Senior Member
Ive noticed when i zoom to 1:1 or larger, there is kind of a ring, or halo, some type of distortion, (sorry i dont know the correct term) around the image. Everything I've seen about chromatic aberration says its a purpleish color. What im seeing has no color.


When zoomed in, its all around the bird. What is this called, what is the cause, and can i fix it in Lightroom?


Happily retired
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Is this a jpeg from the camera or a processed RAW file? Usually this would happen when over sharpening. Or maybe your jpeg camera settings are already a tad over sharpened???


Happily retired
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Converted from raw to jpeg. Very hard to see on my laptop, but very obvious on my phone...
Ah, then maybe it's just the phone's resolution or rendering.

I would never rely on a phone image to judge a shot... or it's sharpness and quality.


Senior Member
Ah, then maybe it's just the phone's resolution or rendering.

I would never rely on a phone image to judge a shot... or it's sharpness and quality.

I agree with not using a phone for detailed analysis...im just curious if it is something else going on. When zoomed in 3:1 on my laptop, there is a faint white outline that surrounds the image.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
I agree with not using a phone for detailed analysis...im just curious if it is something else going on. When zoomed in 3:1 on my laptop, there is a faint white outline that surrounds the image.
When I "enlarge" one of your posted images in Firefox by pressing CTRL and rolling the scroll-wheel on my mouse, I can definitely see what you're talking about. It very closely follows the edges of the bird and, as you say, it's not a color thing, it's a distortion of the image. It's not like any kind of CA (which can be purple or green, by the way) I've ever seen. I'm wondering if it's some other sort of contrast-based distortion, possibly exacerbated by JPG compression, but I don't know that's what it is and I don't know how to tell you to go about trying to fix it.

Maaaaaaybe try using a very finely pointed brush under the Healing or Clone tool? Best I can offer.


Senior Member
When I "enlarge" one of your posted images in Firefox by pressing CTRL and rolling the scroll-wheel on my mouse, I can definitely see what you're talking about. It very closely follows the edges of the bird and, as you say, it's not a color thing, it's a distortion of the image. It's not like any kind of CA (which can be purple or green, by the way) I've ever seen. I'm wondering if it's some other sort of contrast-based distortion, possibly exacerbated by JPG compression, but I don't know that's what it is and I don't know how to tell you to go about trying to fix it.

Maaaaaaybe try using a very finely pointed brush under the Healing or Clone tool? Best I can offer.

A guy that comes to my bar is a pro/semi pro photographer. We've had many conversations about photo stuff. He seems to think it is CA, just without color. I dunno...I did some messing around in Lightroom a bit more...

Even at 8:1 on my laptop, I don't see what it shows on my phone...my phone is a Galaxy s7 edge...supposedly best in the business for pictures...

from here, I will save to phone<I'm on laptop now> and see what happens...

This is really bugging me. The guy was showing me some pics he had taken, and on his phone at 2:1 it was crystal clear and tack sharp. He uses Sony gear, and has an iPhone...but that really shouldn't matter imo...


  • DSC_1376.jpg
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Senior Member
So after looking at more photos from this site, at full size, on my phone, I'm leaning towards it is an issue with my phone. In the "best of 7100" photo thread, many of the pics were showing the same...aberration I guess you'd call it...it is much harder to see if there is a background.


Senior Member
The problem is the phone's rendering engine. It is creating the halo while decompressing the jpeg image.

If you have the option, save the jpeg image as 100%, that is without any compression and then check it on the phone.


Senior Member
Its a sharpening artefact which can sometimes appear and be noticeable on higher contrast long edges. ( like around the birds body )
If you are starting from RAW then slightly ease off the sharpening slider in Lightroom. If you increase the sharpening the halo will be come more and more noticeable.

I think your phone is probably increasing the sharpening itself and making it even more visible.

Great info here:
Guide to Image Sharpening
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Senior Member
I dont get it. My pal I mentioned earlier, I guess he's kind of my mentor. He's an old school Marine, and kinda has taken me under his wing. He showed me some LR stuff today, and may have resolved the issue...I'll post back in a few mins