Finally Branded Myself


Senior Member
Those of you who have been around here for a while know that I've been flipping through various handles within watermarks and whatnot, looking to eventually establish a company name to do business under. It was always going to be Backdoor Hippie Photography, but as I started talking to people the implications of the 'H-word' were far more significant than I'd thought possible (freaking old republicans - lol). So, I'd thought about consolidating and just going with BDH Photography, until I found that I couldn't get a domain name with a .com suffix because they were peoples' initials and they used them instead of their names. I didn't want to go with my name because, frankly, the last name is impossible to remember how to spell, and I didn't want to piggyback on my brother's reputation, or have anyone confuse my work with his - particularly since he's soon to be out on his own.

I struggled for a week to come up with something that kept the "Backdoor" theme, which I like for personal reasons, and eventually came up with Backdoor Creative, which was great because I also do music-related stuff under the moniker and if I wanted I could combine them. Whoo-hoo, right?! Lesson learned - never check for the availability of a domain name unless you're ready to buy it. I checked for it Thursday on my way out the door to drop off prints at a gallery (the event that precipitated this whole thing). By the time I got home some worm from the Czech Republic trolled the WHOIS request logs and bought it for a year hoping I'd offer to buy it.

So, I'm now doing business as Backdoor Arts, Photography by, Jake Kurdsjuk. It works, it's easy to spell and short to type. Busted out a new logo and watermark and figured I'd unveil it here instead of just slipping it into my 365-ish thread.

How Many Oaks From One Acorn


I'm pretty excited. I've got 4 photos hanging in a gallery here in NJ with 6 others for sale as prints, with an offer to buy my first one from someone as I was dropping stuff off. I guess that's a good sign. I've learned more this past month about matting, mounting and framing archival prints than I ever thought I'd know, and now I may actually have that as a side business. You just never know. My biggest fear was that the Missus was going to think I was stretching myself too thin, but apparently printing pictures and making money is higher on her tolerance scale than playing music and losing money. LOL In fact, she told me she was "proud" of everything I'd done with my photography and she wants to help out when and where she can (I've got her doing runs to Michael's for foam board with 40% coupons for now).

The website will be up some time this week, and I'll stick a link below when it happens. For now, there's a Facebook page for those who do that and might just want to follow along ( Thanks for all the support that my fellow Nikonites have given me as I've developed this "art".


Staff member
Super Mod
It's about time! :cool: Your work is stellar and certainly worthy of being purchased. A while back when you did some photography for someone, I wondered how long it would take before you'd start your own business. You have an excellent eye coupled with the knowledge of post processing so you will go far. :)

Congratulations, Jake.


Senior Member
Awesome to hear Jake! And as for being branded, for some reason I was thinking, Well this should be it hurt like hell. Glad to hear it didn't. 😉


Senior Member
It was always going to be Backdoor Hippie Photography, but as I started talking to people the implications of the 'H-word' were far more significant than I'd thought possible (freaking old republicans - lol).

Hey now!
That's what you get for talking to people.
I'm an "old republican" and I have no problems with that name whatsoever.
I think that you'll have more problems using the word "backdoor". Now that one has implications out the wazoo.::what::


Senior Member
Hey now!
That's what you get for talking to people.
I'm an "old republican" and I have no problems with that name whatsoever. [/I]:highly_amused:
I think that you'll have more problems using the word "backdoor". Now that one has implications out the wazoo.::what::

That's 'cause you're a Tennessee Republican. ;)