Battery Life in Video Mode on Nikon d810


Senior Member
Just had a quick question....

I don't usually shoot video on my D810, i mainly use it for photos only.
But i have a little project coming up where i want to shoot video on the d810. Im just using the regular Nikon batteries (EN EL15) with hand grip (MB D12) So 2 batteries in total.

Just a little curious about the battery life. On average, what are you guys getting with the live view constantly on and recording video in 24p? I own 5 batteries but not sure if it will be enough to get me through the day.

Thanks in advance


Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Why not do a simple test??? Put the camera on a tripod, with a fresh battery, and press the movie button, and let it run... write down the times... and do some math... Book numbers and other people's number will be all over the place for various reasons... Testing using YOUR own equipment will give you the most accurate info... :)


Senior Member
Yes of course i can do this but i just though id ask the forum to see what people got on average. Thats what forums are for.


Senior Member
I agree with Fred. My experience is anecdotal so I would not trust it with the D810, but ... my D5300 is good for just about 75 minutes when in video mode. Didn't seem to make significant difference if the LCD was dimmed (since Live View is needed) or left at default. I got identical results on back to back days, using freshly charged batteries.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Senior Member
The D810 manual, page 492 "Battery Life" will tell you approximately 40 minutes of HD movies with just the camera battery. Shows maybe more with the handgrip battery.
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