Cancel Automatic Flash?


Senior Member
I am in FLASH MODE and select OK:
I then get five options:
1. Standard Flash
2. Standard Red Eye
3. Slow Red Eye
4. Slow
5. Rear

I was expecting to see another option to cancel, but not there.
(see attached)

I am sure that I am about to look like the class idiot – and that the answer is staring at me, but just can't see it.
Any ideas?


  • flash-mode.jpg
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Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Turn the mode dial to the lightning bolt with the line thru it...

Or assign the lightning bolt with the line thru it to the Fn key, and hold the fn key while shooting...

Michael David Hiltner

Senior Member
I am in FLASH MODE and select OK:
I then get five options:
1. Standard Flash
2. Standard Red Eye
3. Slow Red Eye
4. Slow
5. Rear

I was expecting to see another option to cancel, but not there.

I hear you! I got caught in this trap as well. Your not the only one.

Does anyone know why there is no flash CANCEL option?


Man the auto mode is for idiots just forget it . you should be in P mode at the very least . Internal flash is no good as the lens hood casts a shadow and in portrait the flash is on the side and gives a bad shadow behind the subject.
If you are looking for a flash the cheapest good option is theYN465 or 468 ..beware anything saying fits Nikonand cannon as its not iTTL.
Use the proper menu not that guide rubbish.
Quote " shoot in manual" NO NO that is the opposite end of being silly would only use manual if you had an old manual focus Nikon lens with no electronics ....then you have to do a test shot and view it on the screen to see if the exposure is right ...then do it again and again and again ....whats the point if you can use P mode ..
Why take a 2012 camera and turn it into a 1970s Camera ....


Senior Member
Quote " shoot in manual" NO NO that is the opposite end of being silly would only use manual if you had an old manual focus Nikon lens with no electronics ....then you have to do a test shot and view it on the screen to see if the exposure is right ...then do it again and again and again ....whats the point if you can use P mode ..
Why take a 2012 camera and turn it into a 1970s Camera ....

What are you on about and who's being silly...Shooting in manual will cancel automatic flash...

Where does your information come from...I shoot manual most of the time and never have I had to do what your suggesting...What are you saying "If I don't do things your way I'm wrong"
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but what do you shoot in manual ..certainly nothing that moves fast or where you need 200 shots per hour....why turn a 2012 camera into a 1970 Nikon .
The OP wants advice to get him going taking photos not more problems sorting out manual settings

you are not really doing manual you still got the auto focus on ..alll you are doing is picking a speed and a f stop and letting the auto iso do the exposure
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Senior Member
you would only use manual if you had an old manual focus Nikon lens with no electronics

Read more:


then you have to do a test shot and view it on the screen to see if the exposure is right ...then do it again and again and again ...

Read more:

I don't have any idea what your talking about..

I shoot surfing OK...And no not 200 shots an hour, does the poster shoot 200 per hour

Yes I am choosing an F stop & shutter speed, ISO speed 200...

And I do have the AF on, I'm not stupid..So tell me how is this turning a 2007 camera into a 1970 Nikon..

Whats silly about shooting in manual...The poster will have to activate the flash...

I don't really care if you shoot 1000 shots an hour or what mode you do it in...
if you are choosing speed and f stop at a fixed iso then it will only work for one light if its too dark /too light I assume you shoot it again ..oh no the surfer fell off ......
yes wedding photagraphers average 200 /hour and there is not time to chimp every shot...


Senior Member
if you are choosing speed and f stop at a fixed iso then it will only work for one light if its too dark /too light I assume you shoot it again ..oh no the surfer fell off ......
yes wedding photagraphers average 200 /hour and there is not time to chimp every shot...

As i said before I couldn't care less if you shot 1000 or more shots an hour..

I sometimes shoot bursts of 6 frames per sec,Why would the images be to dark/light.

If the light changes I alter the shutter speed, It's not hard or rocket science...

I want to know how, "shooting in manual turns a 2012 camera into a 1970 Nikon"...Your words and still interested in your answer..
so you shoot it and if the light changes you adjust the shutter speed you have to chimp every one ..waste of time might as well put it in P or Ap and set the iso into auto say 100-3200 ...every shot a good one and no chimping.
go on tell me you dont know what chimping is ......


Senior Member
so you shoot it and if the light changes you adjust the shutter speed you have to chimp every one ..waste of time might as well put it in P or Ap and set the iso into auto say 100-3200 ...every shot a good one and no chimping.
go on tell me you dont know what chimping is ......

Come on GET REAL I don't have to "chimp"...How often does the light change????

I want to know how, "shooting in manual turns a 2012 camera into a 1970 Nikon"...Your words and still interested in your answer..


Senior Member
OK, gentlemen.....take it private! No arguing and fighting back and forth in the forum. You're both senior members here, so you both should know how this works. Shutting this thread is an option I don't want to have to use!

Thank you.
how often does the light change ..oh dear you are not into reality are you ..every time you shoot in another direction or under a tree or when a cloud goes in front of the sun ,with the time of day . if you are shooting through a doorway from inside then from outside the sun or in the shade .white skin/black skin ....get real

sorry photojack did not see your post and forgot this was an american site where you have to tread ultra carefull but the aussies and english dont mean any offence ..he has his view and I have mine and I am right ..ha ha now laugh..I have had enough of this thread anyway gone off subject.
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Senior Member
Everyone has their opinion - I'm sure there is a better way of expressing it than being rude.

But both as bad as each other thou :rolleyes: :D

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2


Senior Member
Some call it potato, some call it potatoe.


in the end, only the image matters...

And to TS, just switch to P mode first to see if that works for you. Not every beginner experienced to use M mode. But if you find that you want to venture there, it is also good to know.


Senior Member
I'm jumping in here, but had auto mode on while taking some shots of my new grandsons and no flash the last couple of days. Just hold down the flash button on the left of the camera and turn the dial button until it puts a line through the lightning flash icon on the screen. No auto flash as my daughter didn't want that going off in their faces (no external flash yet, its next on my list almost went for it for Christmas but got an LED flash ring for macro shots instead)

And I use the A and S to give me an idea what the camera thinks are best, then put the camera in M mode so I can change settings to what I feel is appropriate while taking long exposure shots with the tripod for beach and night shots, so I use all three when I feel I have the time to take test shots until I'm happy with the results

But quick shots are usually in A or S though, and when I haven't got time to 'get it right' I do drop back to auto-mode when the wife is getting impatient if I take the camera with us somewhere and spend more time with that than with her