Strange Spot


Senior Member
Hey guys. Sorry for my first post to be a question about a problem.

I made the switch from Canon to Nikon and already encountered an issue. I do not have much experience with Nikon or better yet with DSLR issues as my other cameras have never had any problems.

Anyhow; I am seeing this strange spot in the bottom left corner of all my shots. My first day it seemed fine but now I look back and 2nd day and on every photo has this.

I contacted Nikon but am impatient so I wanted to post here and ask if anybody has any ideas what it could be? I really enjoy this camera so far and do not want to get canon; so if anybody has any input I would really appreciate it.

Attached are a few shot showing what I am talking about.


  • dot.jpg
    44.2 KB · Views: 271
  • dot2.JPG
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  • dot3.jpg
    99.6 KB · Views: 221


Senior Member
The spot almost seems too symmetric to be just some dirt. It makes me think of some leftover, something that made an impression on the sensor during build. But then it should have had this spot on every photo since day one.

I enlarged it in PS. That's no dirt if you ask me.

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Senior Member
It's a heptagon. If it was a hexagon, I'd say it looked like the impression a bolt head made.

Edit; did you try another lens? If your lens has seven blades, there could be a link with the heptagon shape you see.
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Senior Member
I didn't know salt could look like a cube of sugar.

You are right it could be a lot of things but heptagons are rare and usually not seen larger than at a molecular level. In this case I'd say it is artificial and if his lens just so happens to have seven blades, not coincidental.

If sensor cleaning doesn't help; put a lens with nine blades on it. If the spot is gone, it is the lens, if a nonagon appears, it is the camera.
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Senior Member
I tried 2 lenses. 16 mm fisheye and 28-300. Same issue on both. If I have fstop at about 2.8 or so it comes out blurry and almost clear with a little distortion. But at 11 its darker and looks like that.

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Senior Member
The shape suggests the number of aperture blades, and it also has created some chromatic abberation (you can see the green and magenta casts on opposite sides). If it appears with both lenses, then it must be between the lens and sensor.

My guess is a huge spot of some sort of liquid, like oil.


Senior Member
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Contacted B&H and they will just replace the whole body for me. Figured while I am still under warranty through them I will take advantage. Still sticking with the D810 for now. Hopefully this was a one time thing and I wont have to worry about cleaning the sensor within the first week of owning the camera.