Potential Opportunity


Senior Member
Hi All,
I have been thinking of ways of improving my skills and pushing myself outside of my usual comfort zone.

Well I have just seen an ad from a local photographer who is basically looking for one or more enthusiasts who want to progress. What she is basically wanting to do, is to get the "Trainees" out to the more straight forward bookings, such as junior soccer & gymnastics events, small corporate shoots etc while she concentrates on the bigger weddings and higher paying gigs.

I haven't any info on money or other details yet, but while I wait on the info, I'm wondering if there is a normal kind of arrangement - Such as expenses + fixed amount, or is payment normally expenses + per used photo? Also, what normally happens in these situations regarding copyright? Does the owner keep it and I could use copies for portfolio, or should I expect to keep copyright?

It sounds like a good way to make a little extra money while expanding my skills, and I'd enjoy doing it if the deal is good and fair so I'm wondering what details I should be looking for.

Any advice appreciated!


Senior Member
I had this same type of opportunity awhile back.There was a company hiring for Quinces..( Hispanic cultures version of a sweet 16) They had a lot of these booked for when the 15yr old Latinas throw a big party to celebrate turning 15. The job was only offering 15/hr using your own equipment, vehicle, etc.. The problem for me was you gave up the rights to the images, did not get to post-process images and only got paid for shoot time. This is peanuts for a lot of work...So if you worked from 9am to 9pm you would basically get paid for 6hrs..What a rip off..You pay your own gas put wear and tear on your gear etc.. Hope this is not the case in your situation.
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Senior Member
Hmm, yeah if that is deal I'll pass. I'd want expenses, some form of reasonable payment and the chance to edit my own shots... That is certainly my minimum I think.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I don't know about the UK, or any other foreign countries... but in the US, you'd be a 1099 independent contractor in the above scenarios, and eligible to deduct all your expenses, and depreciate your camera gear... Depending on how much you make in your primary job, the tax offset plus the amounts you earn can be quite a bit more than what the hourly rate is...

Rick M

Senior Member
I don't know about the UK, or any other foreign countries... but in the US, you'd be a 1099 independent contractor in the above scenarios, and eligible to deduct all your expenses, and depreciate your camera gear... Depending on how much you make in your primary job, the tax offset plus the amounts you earn can be quite a bit more than what the hourly rate is...

Absolutely! My business reduced my taxable income by $4300 last year, even if you lose money you make money!


Senior Member
On copyright sales or not, easiest thing to do is allow unlimited right while retaining the copyright yourself. This could let you drive up the price enough without pushing into copyright price levels. And of course, while your client may use the photos to make further money solely off of them, so can you.


Senior Member
Wow lots of things to think about there! Thanks for your thoughts everyone. I will wait on the info regarding what the photographer has in mind!

Thanks again!


Senior Member
Wow lots of things to think about there! Thanks for your thoughts everyone. I will wait on the info regarding what the photographer has in mind!

That's your best bet, just wait and see what the offer is before making any kind of decision. Don't be lured by the bright lights and shiny things, and don't be afraid to say no.