Need Lightroom CC help!!!

I have just started using Lightroom CC and seem to be having a problem. I do all my RAW corrections in the Develop mode and then right click and to to the Edit in Photoshop. It does switch over to PS but the corrections I have made are not carrying over at all. I get a flat uncorrected photo. I then have to do all the corrections over in Photoshop.

Any help?


Senior Member
I noticed that this weekend as well, but with Perfect photo. I start with LR, export and the image comes across flat.

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Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I get a dialogue box in LR when I select any of the "edit in" options... the dialogue has 3 or 4 options before actually 'going to PS'... one being "edit in PS with Lightroom adjustments?", and various options for working on the original, and/or copies...

It's been a long time... but did you setup the transfer in the LR Preferences, External Dialogue menu?
I get a dialogue box in LR when I select any of the "edit in" options... the dialogue has 3 or 4 options before actually 'going to PS'... one being "edit in PS with Lightroom adjustments?", and various options for working on the original, and/or copies...

It's been a long time... but did you setup the transfer in the LR Preferences, External Dialogue menu?

I got that the first couple of time but it is not showing up anymore. I will check the LR Preferences, External Dialogue menu and see if I can "Fix" it.


Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I can't remember whether I installed PS thru the Preferences/External editor menu or not... Did you install it there? Or did LR automatically see it... when you right-click/edit in ???

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I just tested it... I get a different dialogue if I right-click/edit i/PS on a NEF file... rather than the other dialogue on a Tif... some dialogue about needing Photoshop Camera Raw Plug-in 9.0... and there's a check box for "do not show this dialogue again"... You didn't check that "don't show again" box, did you?
I just tested it... I get a different dialogue if I right-click/edit i/PS on a NEF file... rather than the other dialogue on a Tif... some dialogue about needing Photoshop Camera Raw Plug-in 9.0... and there's a check box for "do not show this dialogue again"... You didn't check that "don't show again" box, did you?

I might have. Hard to remember since I am still learning. I only have NEF files and after looking closer It does seem to be carrying over the corrections. I had to get one that was really off a lot to see the difference. I probably need to run Spyder4 on both monitors again. The monitor where LR lives looks better than the monitor where Photoshop lives. PS look like the contrast is lower.


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I just tried it and for me it does take the corrections to photoshop. But I do remember there used to be a popup box before that asked if I wanted to use the original file or the corrected one to open in PS. This popup is no longer there.


Senior Member
I just tried it and for me it does take the corrections to photoshop. But I do remember there used to be a popup box before that asked if I wanted to use the original file or the corrected one to open in PS. This popup is no longer there.

Same here.


Senior Member
LR will act differently for RAW and JPEG/TIFF/PSD files. For RAW it will always open it in whatever app you choose to edit in with the Develop module setting applied (to test it simply desaturate an image before opening) - there's no way to turn that function off, and there is never a dialogue box before the open. For other file types you'll always get a dialogue asking whether to open the Original, a Copy or a copy with Lightroom Adjustments. Only the latter will carry over the Develop module settings.

I did not see anything on that dialogue that offers the ability to turn it off moving forward, so you should always get it.


Senior Member
LR will act differently for RAW and JPEG/TIFF/PSD files. For RAW it will always open it in whatever app you choose to edit in with the Develop module setting applied (to test it simply desaturate an image before opening) - there's no way to turn that function off, and there is never a dialogue box before the open. For other file types you'll always get a dialogue asking whether to open the Original, a Copy or a copy with Lightroom Adjustments. Only the latter will carry over the Develop module settings.

I did not see anything on that dialogue that offers the ability to turn it off moving forward, so you should always get it.

The only types of files that I ever open in PS from LR is NEF. There used to be a dialogue box every time, asking if I wanted to apply LR settings, make a copy and some other stuff that I can't remember.
Now the dialogue box doesn't show up any more. I don't remember exactly when it stopped showing up, but it wasn't that long ago. It does however apply LR settings .


Senior Member
I've been using LR since 3.6 and I never remember having to use a dialogue when opening a RAW file - NEF or DNG. I still have an old version of LR 5 on my old desktop PC and just tried it there and no dialogue.


Senior Member
I've been using LR since 3.6 and I never remember having to use a dialogue when opening a RAW file - NEF or DNG. I still have an old version of LR 5 on my old desktop PC and just tried it there and no dialogue.

Do you get a dialogue box when "right click-edit-(any of the NIK modules ?) like this?



Senior Member
LR allows you to set file type settings for Photoshop and one other external editor in the Preferences. These appear above the line when you right-click and choose Edit In... and if you choose one of those editors you get no dialogue box.

Everything else requires that dialogue but only so it knows what file type and resolution settings you want for the newly created file. This is because you cannot "edit" a RAW file, so whenever LR sends a file to another application it needs to convert it to a PSD, TIFF, JPEG or something else which is why it always sends a copy with the adjustments from LR.

This is different from the dialogue you get when you choose Edit In... with a non-RAW file. That dialogue does not contain file specifications but just gives you a choice of sending the Original, a Copy or a Copy With LR Adjustments.
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Senior Member
LR allows you to set file type settings for Photoshop and one other external editor in the Preferences. These appear above the line when you right-click and choose Edit In... and if you choose one of those editors you get no dialogue box.

Everything else requires that dialogue but only so it knows what file type and resolution settings you want for the newly created file. This is because you cannot "edit" a RAW file, so whenever LR sends a file to another application it needs to convert it to a PSD, TIFF, JPEG or something else which is why it always sends a copy with the adjustments from LR.

This is different from the dialogue you get when you choose Edit In... with a non-RAW file. That dialogue does not contain file specifications but just gives you a choice of sending the Original, a Copy or a Copy With LR Adjustments.

Actually this is slightly incorrect. You can set preferences for every editor, but only Photoshop and the last editor used from your list of other editors, appear above the line. These will open in the editor without any additional dialogue using the file settings listed under Preferences. The second app will also appear below the line and if you choose it there instead then you will get the dialogue box. To my knowledge there is no way to get a dialogue when opening the file in PS - unless it's an older version (i.e. if you are running PS CC and have CS5 listed among your other editors).