Some Early Efforts


Senior Member
I posted my story in the Intro section and I guess this is where I can post some of my really early efforts here for some honest comments on weather I have the potential to do any good creative work. I am determined to learn and do as much as my deteriorating health will allow. Thanks in advance for your interest...Here are some examples:


  • OOB #3 & Scarborough #1 HD4c.jpg
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  • 14-24 Lens 021_2 HD5c.jpg
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  • Cape Fisheye HD 5.jpg
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  • Cape Fisheye HD B&W 6c.jpg
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  • E. Prom #1_047.jpg
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Senior Member
I was recently diagnosed with leukemia. I was a working drummer for about 45 years until this happened. As far as photo equipment, I sold all my musical gear to buy a Nikon D800, 14-24, 24-70, 16 Fisheye, 70-300VR, 50 1.8D, 105 2.8 micro, SB700, R1, Induro 313 and hd3 ballhead. I am really trying hard to learn to use this stuff asap and apply all the years of training from my ears to my eyes creatively, if that makes any sense.
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Senior Member
Sorry to hear about your prayers are with you....will keep you in mine daily.

Looks like you bought yourself some heavy artillery! The D800 is awesome and Backdoor Hippie is our resident guru on that front. You will learn to ask him your he knows his stuff. I have just bought the D610, and you can see my lenses in my signature.

My brother played in a few bands, but never hit the big time. He still drums, and loves it. I was into keyboards for a while, but never pursued it too vigorously.

Do you use Lightroom, or Photoshop for post processing?

Nice talking with you. Look forward to getting to know you and helping to point you in the right direction when I can. I like your recent photos!


Senior Member
I like the fork in the road picture....the grove of trees is hard for me to get the story....the pier shot is very good and colorful. The B & W looking down the road to the house would have been great if the electric wires had not interfered with it. Overall, I guess I give your shots a 3.5 and I'm not the best judge as my photos will attest. I am only judging from the aspect of a neutral observer.


Senior Member
Thanks for the kind words Buffalo. I was on tour for many years with some pretty good acts, but that;s over now. Time to go visual....grin...I use LR5 and PS cc. I agree with your comments. The one pic. was a reflection of some placid water that I found interesting. These are very preliminary efforts. I really need to sharpen my eye and that will require experience. Unfortunately, I can only go out on shoots so many times before I tire.
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Senior Member
Which big acts did you play in? I love music....big fan of all types...mostly classical Yes, Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, and many more. I was also a fan of the Dead, and some of Widespread Panic...Allman Brothers...

I do like your composition for your pictures! The only one that gets me is the grove of trees....what were you trying to convey in that shot? The reason it intrigues me is that it was shot with a medium focal point and shot smack dab in the middle of the tree trunks, and for about 7 trees, with what appears to possibly be a golfing hole? to the right? Am I right about that?

Love the Lighthouse shot as well.


Senior Member
Looks like you try to follow the rule of thirds....that's good...and you're a beginner? Better than most of my shots and I've been back into Digital Photography for a year or more....used to shoot a lot of film, which was much more expensive as you know.


Senior Member
Yes, I wandered onto a golf course and just found the colors of the leaves on the left interesting. I think I used the 14-24 for that shot, but I'm not really sure. I'll have to check that out. As far as my music, I toured with Robert Cray, Pinetop Perkins and Hubert Sumlin may they rest in peace during my blues phase, I was a sub for a while, working with Gregg Allman during his Cher phase. That was really interesting...grin. Then I went deeply into jazz and was very lucky to have worked with McCoy Tyner, Dr Lonnie Liston Smith and many others. I supplemented my income with teaching and studio work. That is all gone now, and I am concentrating on photography 100% now.
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Senior Member
I dabbled way back in the days before digital, but not seriously. I came up here to Maine recently after being a native NYC'er my whole life. It's really beautiful here and I plan on going out on shoots as long as I physically can. I picked up the 105 micro to get into still life when I become too ill to actively go out on shoots.
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Senior Member
Yes...although I'm not the most knowledgable jazz fan....when I'm in Syracuse and they have the jazz festival, I try to go. I saw Craig Chaquicio one year and then Jean-Luc Ponty....both of which were amazing. I do like jazz, but am still pretty much stuck in the classical rock mindset. I do like the freedom that jazz gives musicians. Amazing riffs and runs....glad to hear of your successes and I wish you all the success in photography world.


Happily retired
Staff member
Super Mod
Welcome to Nikonites. Seems you're having a great time with your D800.

But, you might want to post your daily pictures in the "Project 365 & Daily photos". Otherwise, please only post 1 picture per post for critique as the guidelines require.

Thanks for posting and enjoy your Nikon.


Senior Member
Hey Zutty.
I too am a musician - a bass player from when I was 6 years old - who have recently begun taking photos. Unfortunately I don't think the art forms translates too easily. But you'll probably find it easier to translate your perceptions and feelings into your photos, as you're probably used to working with that.
I think youve got some really good shots amongst the ones you've shown, and some that don't really speak to me. But for a beginner, I think you're doing well.

Starting a 365 and committing to posting a photo a day might be a good idea. It's worked for me, as I think I have evolved a good deal by having to think about photography every day.

Enjoy your journey into the photographic world! :)


Senior Member
Yes...although I'm not the most knowledgable jazz fan....when I'm in Syracuse and they have the jazz festival, I try to go. I saw Craig Chaquicio one year and then Jean-Luc Ponty....both of which were amazing. I do like jazz, but am still pretty much stuck in the classical rock mindset. I do like the freedom that jazz gives musicians. Amazing riffs and runs....glad to hear of your successes and I wish you all the success in photography world.
Kind of odd is that I was born in Syracuse but we moved to NYC when I was 8.


Senior Member
Hey Zutty.
I too am a musician - a bass player from when I was 6 years old - who have recently begun taking photos. Unfortunately I don't think the art forms translates too easily. But you'll probably find it easier to translate your perceptions and feelings into your photos, as you're probably used to working with that.
I think youve got some really good shots amongst the ones you've shown, and some that don't really speak to me. But for a beginner, I think you're doing well.

Starting a 365 and committing to posting a photo a day might be a good idea. It's worked for me, as I think I have evolved a good deal by having to think about photography every day.

Enjoy your journey into the photographic world! :)
Thanks for your advice Jonas. Bass players and I get along very well being the core of the rhythm section...grin. I just posted some more of my early stuff in the gallery if anyone would care to look...Thanks!