The Sights And Smells of Bethlehem Celtic Classic


Senior Member
There are enough of these photos that I figured they deserve they're own thread. Here's your first installment - the people watchin'....

"Honey, have you seen my chain maille tank top? I'm going out with the boys."


Love Is Never Having To Care About Who Wears The Pants In The Family


The Celtic Douglas MacArthur


And you can't have a festival without a drum circle, so give your drummer some love



^ broke something
Staff member
Very nice Jake! I'm not quite sure what this would smell like, but I can imagine.

Also, the last time I saw a chain maille tank top like that it was at the local renaissance fair on an overweight woman. It was doing an only fair job of containing 'her'. haha


Staff member
Super Mod
LOL! The bagpipe players look like puffer fish with their cheeks full of air! I've never played a bagpipe, but with wind instruments in general, it is advocated to not puff out the cheeks. Great shots, Jake! :D


Senior Member
LOL! The bagpipe players look like puffer fish with their cheeks full of air! I've never played a bagpipe, but with wind instruments in general, it is advocated to not puff out the cheeks. Great shots, Jake! :D

Here's the thing about bagpipes, you don't use your breath to create the sound, you blow to keep the bag full of air as you perpetually squeeze it out between your arm and side. That's a LOT of blowing, and while I've never done it, it would seem that the puffed cheeks are either considered proper technique, or it's the only way to get all that air in through that small tube. LOL