Help with Post Production


Senior Member
Hi Everyone,

I'm not sure I'm posting this in the right place but I figured I would give it a shot. I got of the St. Louis area from my very first helicopter ride! As you can see I had my ISO cranked so the picture is quite grainy. In retrospect I probably could have had it a little lower but I didn't know what to expect when shooting from a helicopter window at night.

My issue here is that I know nothing about post production. I just haven't had time to begin learning the programs. Would it be possible for someone here to help me clean the photo up a little (if that's even possible)? I was hoping to send a copy to the pilot as a thank you gift for such an exciting (and terrifying) experience and while he would probably be happy with the current one I was trying to make it just a little better.

If you'd like to try to help I would be happy to send you a copy of the photo. I tried to attached it to the thread but it's saying the file size is too big. I thought it would automatically resize. Thanks for your time!


Just realized I type post production instead of processing...geez lol
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Senior Member
Figured out how to resize it! If you want the full JPEG let me know and I'll be happy to send it to you. Thanks again!


  • DSC_5879.jpg
    150.1 KB · Views: 133


Senior Member
Do you only have the JPEG or did you shoot RAW too? Which photo editor do you use?

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Senior Member
Hi, Mark. That's a cool shot!

Depending on what software you are using, it should be fairly simple to lower the noise a bit. What software do you have? Someone is likely to be using the same software so one of us should be able to help.

If I were you, I would level the horizon while you were editing. Right now you are tilted to the left a bit. I can imagine it would be next to impossible to keep your camera level while in a helicopter.

I am jealous, by the way. :) I've been in a few small planes, but never a helicopter. It had to be extra fun at night!


Senior Member
Download the Google Nik Collection. Great free set of tools, use Dfine 2.0 noise reduction on your full size image (good tutorials available on YouTube).

It'll be better if you shot RAW.


Senior Member
That looks incredible! I'll shoot you the JPEG just as soon as I get a chance! I REALLY appreciate the help and I know the pilot will absolutely love the way you have touched it up. Thanks so much and nice to meet you!


Senior Member
Hi, Mark. That's a cool shot!

Depending on what software you are using, it should be fairly simple to lower the noise a bit. What software do you have? Someone is likely to be using the same software so one of us should be able to help.

If I were you, I would level the horizon while you were editing. Right now you are tilted to the left a bit. I can imagine it would be next to impossible to keep your camera level while in a helicopter.

I am jealous, by the way. :) I've been in a few small planes, but never a helicopter. It had to be extra fun at night!

Unfortunately I do not have any software at all nor the knowledge on how to use them. The past year of life has been a busy blur with work, a new kid, etc. This helicopter ride was actually part of work and the pilot let me bring my camera along which was fantastic. We had night vision goggles on during the flight but I kept taking mine off because it was impossible to get any pictures lol.

I recommend going up on one if you ever get the chance! I could only imagine the Colorado scenery would be amazing at a similar altitude.



Senior Member
Do you only have the JPEG or did you shoot RAW too? Which photo editor do you use?

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Unfortunately I only have the JPEG. I normally have an extra SD card in my camera for all the RAW photos but I didn't have it in there this time for whatever reason. My girlfriend does all my photo editing right now but we only use whatever program came with the laptop we bought over Christmas. I just haven't had the time/money to learn/buy a proper program. I normally save all my RAW pics as well in case the day ever comes that I get some free time to mess with them but that day seems far far in the future!


Senior Member
Unfortunately I only have the JPEG. I normally have an extra SD card in my camera for all the RAW photos but I didn't have it in there this time for whatever reason. My girlfriend does all my photo editing right now but we only use whatever program came with the laptop we bought over Christmas. I just haven't had the time/money to learn/buy a proper program. I normally save all my RAW pics as well in case the day ever comes that I get some free time to mess with them but that day seems far far in the future!

Download Nikon Capture NX-D. It is free. Give it a try for post processing RAW images, especially changing the light levels and recovering Shadows. I have been using it since the day I bought my D3300 in 2014.