What type of plant is this?


Staff member
Super Mod
Does anyone know the name of this plant? The white, fuzzy things I am assuming are its seeds which remind me of dandelion seeds (for those who don't know, dandelions are weeds). Is anyone familiar with this? I didn't want to crop out the purple flowers next to this plant because I wanted to show as much of the bottom of this plant as is possible. Thank you for any information!

plant 1 cropped resize.jpg

And here is a close up of its seeds:

plant 2 resize.jpg


New member
I used to be a Horticulturist following college however, that was more years ago than I care to remember. Now I work in Information Technology which helps me fund my photography hobby better. Back to your question, the plant in your photo appears to be a species of Milkweed possibly Asclepias incarnata or Asclepias purpurescens. My guess would be the former but without actually seeing the plant in person, it's a challenge to know since there are many species of Milkweed. Have a good weekend.