Anyone having trouble posting photos?


Staff member
Super Mod
I can't seem to attach my photos. Any one else having problems? It was working this morning.

This is what I get - nothing.
Just set this guide up earlier today. see if it works. I have been uploading today and have not had a problem

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72px

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.



Staff member
Super Mod
Thanks for that info. I do resize to 1000px.

I'm not having problems uploading my files to the gallery. I just can't post them from my gallery in to my thread like I did this morning.


Staff member
Super Mod
Ok, this post is based on your guidlines.
I do get the photo, but why can't I get the one I posted from the gallery?
Thanks for that info. I do resize to 1000px.

I'm not having problems uploading my files to the gallery. I just can't post them from my gallery in to my thread like I did this morning.

That post was more for my benefit to see if my new template worked.

Gallery post is another problem, I know John was working on it earlier to be able to post from your attachments. let me check the gallery upload.


nope, not from gallery.

let me try from attachments


that works. fixed one broke one. I will let him know.


^ broke something
Staff member
don't you hate it when you fix one thing and break another? Sorry guys - I'll have to stare at some code a bit more.


Staff member
Super Mod
What's the medium option? I didn't get the last page on Don's guidelines. It went directly here.
Soooo many threads in here when you are newbie! Reading hard to catch up with you all ;-)

The only way I can keep up is with the "What's New?" button on top. I go through all the ones that interest me like any one that has WUD in it. Once I go through all those I click the "Mark threads as read" and they sets it back to zero. Next time I log back in I go back to the what's new button.

Actually I have a shortcut for the forum that I use that carries me directly to new posts.


Staff member
Super Mod
don't you hate it when you fix one thing and break another? Sorry guys - I'll have to stare at some code a bit more.

BTW John, I use the My Photos button below to post my photos if you need a starting point.