Launched my website today! Designed business card. Lots of credit goes to D600!


Senior Member

I had autoplay music on before, but turned it off at the suggestion of some people.

if anyone would Like my facebook page, I'll do the same for you :)

I designed the business card in Photoshop. I believe if I order 500, they'll be about 6 cents a piece.

I definitely have my D600 in part to thank because only a couple months ago I was still using my old Canon Rebel T1i. I could not be happier with the D600.


  • businesscardbackcropped.jpg
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  • businesscardfront.jpg
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Senior Member
I just looked very quickly on my ipad. Two very quick observation. The text goes right up to the edge and over it in some areas. It's like you have no margins. The images in he middle of the screen change too quickly for me. I don't know if these are ipad specific issues or not as I don't have a PC handy.

Rexer John

Senior Member
OOPS edited:
I was asking "Why are so many tops of heads cut off with your portrait photography shots, is it just the way its showing on the webpage or the way the photo was taken/cropped?"

I clicked the image and they show up nicely full size.
Are you unable to show the pictures as they should be on the multipage?
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Senior Member
thank you. I shrunk everything a little bit - I'll check on different screens to see how it looks. As for the top of heads cut off.....I think what I will do is use an animated gallery, so the pictures are panning within the frames. I also slowed down the slide-show a little bit.

Unfortunately, I don't think I can reposition the cropped part that shows.
