test shot macro with 50mm 1.8d


Senior Member
macro with 50mm 1.8d

Just an hour ago my (used) 1.8d lens arrived and ive just shot a few wasps. Ive ordered some extension rings too so will update the thread when they arrive. These were taken with a +10 close up filter and edited in corel psp X5. I know a proper macro lens would be much better in terms of distance from the subject but I cant afford that right now, im always jealous to see how awesome some peoples macro shots are. Im trying to do it on a budget, which might be useful for other members too.

Click for bigger

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Scott Murray

Senior Member
Just an hour ago my (used) 1.8d lens arrived and ive just shot a few wasps. Ive ordered some extension rings too so will update the thread when they arrive. These were taken with a +10 close up filter and edited in corel psp X5. I know a proper macro lens would be much better in terms of distance from the subject but I cant afford that right now, im always jealous to see how awesome some peoples macro shots are. Im trying to do it on a budget, which might be useful for other members too.

Click for bigger


​Excellent photo mate....

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Nice bechdan... Also, if you're really interested in macro... start looking at a focus rail now so you can budget one of those... as you get 'closer'... the DOF becomes more critical, and the focus rail and photo stacking will create images that will blow you away...


Senior Member
when the wasps are busy eating apples they get a bit lazy and dont bother me, Im not an insect fan per se, but they looks so cool close up. Thanks for you nice comments.

I forgot to add, I shot this in JPEG fine for some reason, would have been slightly crisper in RAW before edit, oh well next time ill remember.


Senior Member
Ill look in to a macro rail, but I dont usually use a tripod for macro I find its too awkward to position
Another test shot today with off camera flash

"lunch time"

click for larger


Senior Member
my cheapo tubes / rings arrived today, tried a few different combinations and different settings and eventually managed to get a reasonable pic of a tiny fly, Ill practice some more and get in to focus stacking possibly. I dont know how well the tubes will work in nature, this ones of a dead fly so was very cooperative first subject,

click for bigger


real size



Senior Member
well i might as well turn this in to my own macro thread then as ive got a few more pics today

first (live) fly


i'd never seen its eyes before


Tiny (3mm?) flower



Senior Member
Ill look in to a macro rail, but I dont usually use a tripod for macro I find its too awkward to position
Another test shot today with off camera flash

"lunch time"

click for larger

Excellent shot. To get the details of its eyes without a macro lens is just amazing. Unless of course it is about the size of my fist. :D
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Senior Member
haha thanks, no the flower its on is a lavender which is about 1 inch long, the spider was probably about 10mm in total


Senior Member
Re: macro with 50mm 1.8d

so i want to pose a question- thoughts on getting close-up filters to use on 70-300 to get insects in a more natural habitat?


Senior Member
The Raynox (which is a +8 I believe) or for a less expensive option the opteka (+10). Ive not used the raynox but I have used the opteka on several lenses and have been very impressed with the quality. It comes as a thread on filter, whereas the raynox fits various sizes.

edit - they are both available in 67mm size so you have options
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