Sidewalk portrait of Marina


Senior Member
I often take one of my cameras on walks around the city center and today was no exception but instead of my D800 I took a lighter lower res D7000 who many say is obsolete. I don't. Although there are newer cameras with more features It still can deliver. I had a chance meeting with a rather attractive very feminine girl as we both exited a small park. The sun was very direct and casting long hard shadows. She asked for photo and I could not turn her down;>) After this we continued on to a nice outdoor cafe and enjoyed each other's company the rest of the afternoon. I suspect I will be taking lots more photos of Marina in the near future:beguiled:
Seeing the hard shadows on face I moved her just a foot so her face was in shade and used a remote SB900 speed-light for fill in BL mode. By using Manual exposure set 3 stops low for her face and let the background and her top overexpose to get a bit of High Key look. The lens is the 85 1.8G using aperture 2.0, ISO 200 and 1/640 of a sec. shutter. I am posting it because so many people rush out to buy newer cameras when their old one still can deliver good images,you don't need fancy gear or complex lighting.


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Senior Member
Thanks for the comments. I plan on meeting Marina today along the river, if the weather plays nice, for some photos. I will have couple flash and a handheld softbox and folding scrim and the D800 instead of the D7000 used for the shot above. For such a shot, any camera with good DR however, would do as well, it is never the camera with people shots unless a very large format with wide front element lens like a view camera, using 8x10 sheet film camera with suitable lens would make a big difference in dimensionality, 3-D appearance. Due to the size and slow film they are most suited to still life and landscape. She is such a natural modeling, despite never done it except snapshots with friends of phone camera selfies I will try some more complex poses or just follow her around spontaneously interacting with a beautiful city.
I have a tour company here and sometimes lead photo walks or photo workshops for architecture shooting in one of the most picturesque cities in the world, St Petersburg, which just happens to have some of the most beautiful women, at least I seem to meet so many, every day. My own GF I would put in the same category: Victoria, a lawyer ...lucky guy, who is old, poor and ugly;>)