The Barn


Senior Member
What could be done to improve this photo?


  • 20110522_ farm_JLG_34.jpg
    20110522_ farm_JLG_34.jpg
    723.3 KB · Views: 120

Moab Man

Senior Member
Where is the EXIF data? Always include when asking for a critique.

I like the leading lines of the fence bringing me to the barn.

I would have used a circular polarizer to help with the sky and make it pop. Would also help to enhance the colors overall.

Disclaimer: I'm on a laptop and not my color calibrated monitor.


Senior Member
I agree with the polarizr (or post processing) to bring out the sky and colors a bit. Maybe even a little HDR touch to draw out the colors and the feel of the weathered paint... of course, I'm a sucker for being able to see the texture.


New member
Nice shot. Love this barn - the typography on it is such a nice touch.

Overall, I think it just needs an element of personal style. Whether that means dialing up the saturation, increasing clarity or adding some vignetting, do something to make the shot uniquely yours.

One small piece of feedback - the little loop coming off the right side of the barn is distracting to me. I'd take it out.