Weekly Challenge Nov 26 - Dec 3: Wind


Senior Member
"Wind" - DrEntropy's Choice

This early announcement of the topic is to give a little think time, before the challenge begins. Photos must be taken and submitted between 00:00 UTC of the start date and 00:00 UTC of the end date.


This photo challenge is "Wind". Since wind isn't something you usually see, this is your opportunity to be creative with how you capture the effects of wind. Let's see how creative you can be! Color, B&W, HDR...anything goes!

The Rules

1. Photos must be posted to the thread in order to be considered for the challenge. No gallery images or off-site links (flickr, 500px, etc) will be accepted.

2. Any photo submitted for a weekly challenge must be taken during the dates specified in the challenge thread.

3. Only one photo entry per member for each week, unless otherwise noted.

4. All regularly active members of Nikonites are allowed to participate, including moderators and administrators.


During the submission & like periods, please click the Thanks/Like button to vote for your favorite images. You can vote for as many as you want! At the end of the week, you will have the opportunity to vote again for the top 3 photos for this challenge!

There will be no cash or prizes awarded for the Weekly Photo Challenges, unless specifically noted by the site administrator.

Any photo will be accepted for the challenge. Edited or straight out of the camera, it does not matter. You are left with complete freedom to do whatever genre of photography you wish to do, and your own interpretation of the challenge subject.

Bob Blaylock

Senior Member
Because this is a spring-driven clock, someone has to wind it on a regular basis in order for it to keep running.

I believe the Russian text “2 СУТОК” means that it can go two days between windings.

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Senior Member
If you live in Texas, seems like we've had some good windy days lately to get some shot ideas.

Don't forget, this challenge wraps up right after we get back to work from Turkey Day over here!


Senior Member
Tricky subject this one, and it made me think back to summer time, and using a fan to keep cool, and with a slow shutter speed and bit of selective colour got this picture.



Senior Member
My take on "wind"... the weather vane on the end of Llandudno pier this weekend. Wanted the offshore windfarm for this theme, but it was too misty to see them :(



Staff member
Super Mod
Since Weebee used my idea of the flag, I tried to capture my neighbors windmill. It was always spinning like crazy until I got outside with the camera. Anyway, I decided to merge three shots and "overdo" it. It kinda looks like one of my friends water paintings.


Senior Member
Just a reminder, the submission window closes Tuesday night US time, so post up any pictures taken over the weekend while there's still time!


Senior Member
Since Weebee used my idea of the flag, I tried to capture my neighbors windmill. It was always spinning like crazy until I got outside with the camera. Anyway, I decided to merge three shots and "overdo" it. It kinda looks like one of my friends water paintings.

Sorry about that!