First Action shots


Senior Member
My recent in door action shots;


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Senior Member
Don I'm so new to this and you wouldn't believe how long it took me to post these because I had to resize them. I actually resized them through Picasa and put them in a new folder to get them to here. I'm on Google Chrome with Picasa and I took like 110 shots. All the data I have is on Picasa. I'm not sure how to get the exif info on these pictures. Search Andrew Marcucci Pine Hill, NJ on Google. I want to get Elements 12 & premium 12 just Haven't the chance yet.


Senior Member
It was the only one I have Nikkor 18-140. I'm trying to learn and understand ISO so I took some with flash and most without with a high ISO. It was a good day and the High School actually used my pictures on there site so I guess I'm doing some things right. I understand the importance of a fast telephoto like the
2.8 70-200 I want. However learning with this lens is certainly challenging but its a good lens.


Senior Member
I have NX2 and it's ok I'm not crazy about it, I shot those wrestling pictures all jpeg but everything else I do NEF & Jpeg. Learning software will be my next phase.
I want to just keep shooting my camera for now. Keep up the suggestion.


Senior Member
don got me on to nx2, like you i wasnt that fond of it, but gave it ago and stuck at it, it has saved me some great shots, wasnt that hard to pick up, i save the raw to jpegs onto a file on my desktop and load them from there, just resize them to 1000 on the long side, second nature now


Senior Member
It was the only one I have Nikkor 18-140. I'm trying to learn and understand ISO so I took some with flash and most without with a high ISO. It was a good day and the High School actually used my pictures on there site so I guess I'm doing some things right. I understand the importance of a fast telephoto like the
2.8 70-200 I want. However learning with this lens is certainly challenging but its a good lens.

Get a proper flash. It will go a longer way than struggling with the on-board while you save up for that 70-200 for a long, long time.


Senior Member
Thanks John P my son wrestles and I will be taken his pictures starting next week. Those pics were the H.S. he will be attending.
I'm still shopping flashes and like the prices of the after market flashes who's features appear excellent. Any suggestions?

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Senior Member
I am still using my SB800 and have no reason to upgrade.
I bought a 18-140 with my d5300 only because BH discounted it $300.
But, I am very happy with it, especially at F/5.6-8 and have been using it mostly for indoor videos.

You should try raising the ISO more. The D5300 is better at 12800 than any other DX Nikon above 3200 ISO.
This is probably due mostly to expeed 4 but I am sure they tweeked the Sensor too.

You might also try Videographing the matches. Both 1080P 60 and 720P 60 work really well.
I use an external device to increase the recording time.
Individual frames at 1920x1080 are pretty good.
You can watch and frome grab with "free" VLC Player


Senior Member
RRRoger, Thanks for the input. So getting the SB 800 would be a good investment. That sounds good I will start researching prices. I Love my 18-140. I actually used mostly high ISO for all those photos except maybe 1. Between 9000-12800. The close in cradle shot which was perfect distance for the pop up. 10-12 feet away. I'm overly impressed with the high ISO images. Even though I have a 32mb @10 San Disk I want to wait till I get the 64 and have that specifically for Video. I will videograph but I'm really into snapping the action for now and learning. I will videograph probable about 6 matches.

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Senior Member
Question. Which external device do you use to increase the recording time?

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I use a Shuttle II for uncompressed Video
and a Ninja II for DNxHD 36 for max compression.
I have an Odyssey 7 ordered for 1080P 60.
The others will only record 720P at 59.94
These require a good TriPod and Movie head
unless you do not mind the bobing about of hand held video.

When you get the new card, shop for a SanDisk Extreme 95/s, it will make a difference.VideoSetUp.jpg110313r2.JPG


Senior Member
Well, that's a really nice set up. Well I can afford the San Disk atleast.:/ Thanks for the input it will be noted for future purchases. Whew.

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Senior Member
I will be selling all that stuff except the TriPod after the Odyssey arrives.
That is how I pay for my new "toys".