Strange, but cool rendering in lightroom... please help..


Senior Member
While attempting to edit some shots in light room, I was presented with what you see below. How did it happen and how can I save that rendering? The only thing I did was to click on develop. It is a pretty cool image though. I would love to have a copy just like it.


  • Rendering.jpg
    279.4 KB · Views: 149


Senior Member
While attempting to edit some shots in light room, I was presented with what you see below. How did it happen and how can I save that rendering? The only thing I did was to click on develop. It is a pretty cool image though. I would love to have a copy just like it.

Hi texaslimo -

I'm pretty new to Lightroom, but from my experience with photography in general this looked to me like an exposure "inversion". So I searched for how to invert a picture in Lightroom and came up with this:

I hope it's what you're looking for. Best of luck!


ps. Cute kid!!


Senior Member
On your left hand panel, you can click on snapshot and save the current rendering. In a normal situation you could then do more edits or reset the image and start over, easily going back to the snapshop at any time. But if this is a display glitch of some sort, it might not save as you see it. I don't know what this is. It doesn't look like a simple color inversion to me.


Senior Member
It's not an inversion. If it were, re-inverting it would render the image 'normal'. It doesn't. This is what you end up with if you do this:


I call the effect 'posterization'.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
While attempting to edit some shots in light room, I was presented with what you see below. How did it happen and how can I save that rendering? The only thing I did was to click on develop. It is a pretty cool image though. I would love to have a copy just like it.

Not really a Lr user sorta guy, and I don't have it installed so I can't check this myself, but...

Could that be the result of using some kind of monochrome preset, one that's monochroming based on color-channel? Because that's kind of what it looks like to me.
Last edited:


Senior Member
It is something inside lightroom that is the problem. Some kind of setting or tweak. When I export this photo, it comes out as a normal photo.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Can you post the original file somewhere where we can download it? It would be interesting to see where the problem is… whether it’s in the actual NEF file or whether it’s in the embedded JPG… testing with someone else’s LR will determined whether it’s a LR issue or whether it’s a corrupt file issue…


Senior Member
If you want a copy as is I would go into the photo in develop and look for make a virtual copy. Do that and than export it. Than I would click on the original at the bottom of the right panel and click the reset button. It looks like your preview is fine, but something strange happened to the file. Is it an NEF file or a DNG file. I ask because I only import NEF files and do not convert them to DNG. I suppose it might have been something happened in that process, but I do not know.

I have not had anything like that happen in LR and I use it on all my photos. One other thing might be to import the files again and make sure you have "none" selected in the area of "Develop Settings" under "Apply on Import" in the top of the Right Panel. You could have something there that is not playing well.


Senior Member
Okay... guess what.. I found the answer. Well, not me. A guy from Adobe found the answer FOR me. It turned out to be a problem with my video card. He turned off a setting and the problem was gone.


Senior Member
Great news! Sometimes it pays to go to the experts, huh? :)

(So, does this mean you're not going to be able to replicate that effect now?)


Senior Member
Unfortunately, i will not be able to replicate it. How did you know that the gpu was the problem?

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Senior Member
I had to turn off my graphics processor setting because LR was slower with it on. Later versions of LR would not let me turn it on because it knew something wasn't quite right.