Landscape and portrait photography


Senior Member

Do you think there is a noticicable difference after post processing a d 610 and a d800/810
Landscape or portrait photo. The 810 may have more pixels but how many is enough for tis size sensor? I'm quite happy with my 610.. Granted te crop factor is greater but what else???I know about the more focusing points but will it matter in the end??



Senior Member
If your top subject to shoot is landscapes, or you want to get very large prints, then I would highly recommend getting the D810! If the D810 is over your budget, then the D800e would be my recommendation!
I love my D800E and one day plan to get the D810 to go with, but these are not the best models for everybody with their high MPs! I hope you will find what will work best for you!:)

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Do you think there is a noticeable difference after post processing -between] a D610 and a D800/810 landscape or portrait photo. The 810 may have more pixels but how many is enough for its size sensor? I'm quite happy with my 610... Granted the crop factor is greater but what else??? I know about the more focusing points but will it matter in the end??
All other things being equal, I wouldn't be able to tell you which camera (D800/810 vs. D600/D610) took a particular shot. I think we hit a Point of Diminishing Returns some time ago in the ever ongoing mega-pixel race, but that's just me...What you can't deny is the pixel density of the D800 series is 50% greater so the difference IS there but too many people confuse resolution with sharpness and that's a shame. Much like a great wine, just because your palate may not be able to discern the difference between a wine costing $20 bottle and a wine costing $200 bottle doesn't mean there is no difference to be discerned.

I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say "the crop factor is greater..." but it's early here and I'm semi-sleep deprived.


Senior Member
All other things being equal, I wouldn't be able to tell you which camera (D800/810 vs. D600/D610) took a particular shot. I think we hit a Point of Diminishing Returns some time ago in the ever ongoing mega

What I meant with the crop facor is there are more pixals on the 800 so cropping that larger would be clearer than the 24 megapixals on the 610. Im going to check on the dynamic range ifferences of the two......